Forrest M. Hoffman Forrest M. Hoffman

Distinguished Computational Earth System Scientist
and Group Leader

Integrated Computational Earth Sciences Group,
Computational Sciences & Engineering Division
and Climate Change Science Institute (CCSI),
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Building 4500N, Room F106
Mail Stop 6301
P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6301
United States of America (USA)

Telephone: +1-865-576-7680

E-mail: forrest at climatemodeling dot org

Google Scholar
Google Calendar

Forrest M. Hoffman is a Distinguished Computational Earth System Scientist and the Group Leader for the Integrated Computational Earth Sciences Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). He develops and applies Earth system models (ESMs) to investigate the global carbon cycle and feedbacks between biogeochemical cycles and the climate system. Through a US Department of Energy (DOE)-supported model-data integration project, Forrest leads community model benchmarking activities and the development of the International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) and International Ocean Model Benchmarking (IOMB) packages. He is particularly interested in applying machine learning methods to explore the interactions of terrestrial and marine ecosystems with hydrology and climate. Through a DOE-supported data management project, Forrest leads development and deployment of a next generation Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) distributed data infrastructure in the US. In addition, Forrest applies data mining methods using high performance computing to problems in landscape ecology, ecosystem modeling, remote sensing, and large-scale climate data analytics. Forrest is also a Joint Faculty Member in the University of Tennessee’s Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering in nearby Knoxville, Tennessee, a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

About Me

Highlights of Recent Work

ORNL scientists contribute Earth system expertise to Fifth National Climate Assessment ORNL scientists contribute Earth system expertise to Fifth National Climate Assessment

November 17, 2023
New report explores revolutionary environmental AI infrastructure New report explores revolutionary environmental AI infrastructure

January 11, 2023
Project launched to contribute upgrades to Earth System Grid Federation global climate data system Earth System Grid Federation launches effort to upgrade climate projection data system

October 5, 2022
Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability (AI4ESP) Workshop Report Cover DOE’s Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability (AI4ESP) Workshop Report is out!


Read the AI4ESP Workshop Report Executive Summary for an overview

September 1, 2022
ORNL expertise supports latest IPCC report and efforts to understand, address climate change ORNL expertise supports latest IPCC report and efforts to understand, address climate change

August 25, 2021
AI for Science Report Cover DOE’s AI for Science Report is out!


Be sure to read our Chapter 2 on Earth and Environmental Sciences

February 1, 2020
Soil moisture variability intensifies and prolongs eastern Amazon temperature and carbon cycle response to El Nino-Southern Oscillation Soil moisture variability intensifies and prolongs eastern Amazon temperature and carbon cycle response to El Niño-Southern Oscillation
Plant-physiological responses to rising CO2 increase tropical flood risk Plant-physiological responses to rising CO2 increase tropical flood risk
ILAMB package provides rigorous model benchmarking capabilities ILAMB package provides rigorous model benchmarking capabilities
Enhancing global change experiments through integration of remote sensing techniques Enhancing global change experiments through integration of remote sensing techniques

Current Projects

Highlights of Prior Work

Previous Projects and Participation

SciDAC: Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing
SciDAC and Biology & Environment
Climate & Carbon Research Institute (CCRI)
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program

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