Summer Students 2000
During the summer of 2000 two students, Randy Debasa from Florida International University and Andrew Obeng from
the University of Central Florida,
worked on parallel computing projects with ecological applications
with Forrest
Hoffman and Bill
Hargrove. These students participated through the Research
Alliance for Minorities (RAM) program. They worked on the Stone SouperComputer as well
as the CPile cluster and the IBM SP.
Randy Debasa
Andrew Obeng
On August 8 in Building 6010, Drew and Randy gave oral presentations
on the results of their research. In addition, Randy and Drew presented
a poster at the Environmental Sciences
poster session on August 10 at 11:00 a.m. at ORNL in Building 6008.
That same evening, the RAM programs held a banquet for students and
mentors in Oak Ridge. Randy, Drew, Forrest, and Bill attended the
Drew presenting a new ecoregion map.
Randy and Drew giving their presentations on August 8.
Drew and Randy working.
Bill Hargrove (CPED) and Forrest Hoffman (ESD), at left, with students
Randy and Drew, at right, at the Environmental Sciences student poster
session on August 10. Additional photos from the poster session are
available here.
Bill and Randy holding the latest niche theory diagram at the
RAM banquet. Drew is in the foreground.
Drew taking a big bite of lasagne at the RAM banquet.
Randy at the RAM program banquet.
Drew at the RAM program banquet.
Students at the RAM program banquet. At left are Thomas Zacharia and
Ruth Ann Manning.
Forrest, Randy, Drew, and Bill at the RAM program banquet.