#========================================================================= # DOCUMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES # Note - only variables in env_conf are resolved by the configure command #========================================================================= #========================================================================= # Environment variables in env_conf #========================================================================= #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : CASE # Description : case name # Valid values : is a string of up to 16 characters # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : CASESTR # Description : Short descriptive text string # Valid values : is a string of up to ??? characters # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : COMP_ATM # Description : atm component name # build scripts and namelist-prestage generation scripts # will only be created for the component name specified # Valid values : [cam,datm,latm,xatm] # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : COMP_LND # Description : land component name # build scripts and namelist-prestage generation scripts # will only be created for the component name specified # Valid values : [clm,dlnd,xlnd] # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : COMP_ICE # Description : ice component name # build scripts and namelist-prestage generation scripts # will only be created for the component name specified # Valid values : [csim,dice,xice] # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : COMP_OCN # Description : ocean component name # build scripts and namelist-prestage generation scripts # will only be created for the component name specified # Valid values : [pop,docn,xocn] # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : COMP_CPL # Description : coupler component name # build scripts and namelist-prestage generation scripts # will only be created for the component name specified # Valid values : cpl # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : CSIM_MODE # Description : CSIM model model specification # Valid values : [prognostic, oceanmixed_ice] # A setting of prognostic implies that the complete CSIM # ice model will be used. # A setting of oceanmixed_ice implies that the slab ocean # mixed layer within CSIM is utilized. # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : GRID # Description : component grid resolutions # Valid values : [T42_gx1v3,T31_gx3v5, 1.9x2.5_gx1v3, ...] # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : RUN_TYPE # Description : type of run (when run is first started) # Valid values : [startup branch, hybrid] # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : RUN_STARTDATE # Description : Initial runtype start date # Only used for startup or hybrid runs. # Ignored by models for branch runs. # Valid value : yyyy-mm-dd # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : RUN_REFCASE # Description : referencase case for branch or hybrid runs (used to # the component datasets that the model starts from) # ignorned for startup runs. # Valid value : valid value is a string of up to 16 characters # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : RUN_REFDATE # Description : reference date for branch or hybrid runs (used to determine # the component datasets that the model starts from) # ignorned for startup runs. # Valid value : yyyy-mm-dd # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : IPCC_MODE # Description : turns on various IPCC mode scenarios # currently only OFF, 1870_CONTROL and RAMP_CO2_ONLY are supported # in the future 1870_TO_PRESENT, FUTURE_A1, FUTURE_A2, FUTURE_B1, # and FUTURE_B2 will be supported # Valid value : OFF, 1870_CONTROL, RAMP_CO2_ONLY # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : RAMP_CO2_START_YMD # Description : Start date of CAM CO2 ramp in form YYYYMMDD # This variable MUST be set if IPCC_MODE is RAMP_CO2_ONLY # This variable is ignored if IPCC_MODE is not RAMP_CO2_ONLY # Valid value : yyyymmdd # Set in : env_conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #========================================================================= # Environment variables in env_run #========================================================================= #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : RESUBMIT # Description : an integer greater than or equal to 0 # Valid values : if RESUBMIT is 0, then the run script will not resubmit # itself # if RESUBMIT is greater than 0, then the run script will # RESUBMIT itself, decrement RESUBMIT by 1 and set the # value of CONTINUE_RUN to TRUE # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : CASEROOT # Description : root directory containing the files env_conf and env_run # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : CCSMROOT # Description : root directory for ccsm source code and scripts # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : OCN_TRACER_MODULES # Description : POP model passive tracer specifications # Used only by pop scripts. Setting the passive tracer # modules to blank results in only 2 tracers (the default). # Valid values : [iage and/or cfc] or blank # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : DEBUG # Description : Flag to turn on run and compile time debugging # Valid values : [TRUE, FALSE] # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : CONTINUE_RUN # Description : logical flag to specify a continuation run # A continue run extends an existing CCSM run exactly, # where "exactly" means that exact same answers at the # bit-level are obtained as if the existing run had # not been stopped. A run may be continued indefinitely # from an existing run. Case names and start dates may # not changed in a continuation run. # Valid values : [TRUE, FALSE] # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : SETBLD # Description : logical flag to specify if model will be built at startup # Models use the $BLDTYPE environment variable to determine # if a build should be executed at run time. Each component # build script checks this flag to determine if gmake is to # be invoked. # If SETBLD is set to AUTO, then gmake will not be invoked on # each component unless $CONTINUE_RUN is set TRUE. # If SETBLD is set to TRUE, then gmake will be invoked on # each component regardless of the value of $CONTINUE_RUN. # If SETBLD is set to FALSE, then gmake will not be invoked on # each component. # Valid values : [AUTO, TRUE, FALSE] # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : STOP_OPTION # Description : cpl namelist variable to set the ending simulation time # if STOP_OPTION is: # [ndays] , stops every STOP_N days relative to start date # [nmonths], stops every STOP_N months relative to start date # [daily] , stops every day # [monthly], stops every 1st day of month # [yearly] , stops every 1st day of year # Valid values : [ndays,nmonths,daily,monthly,yearly] # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : STOP_N # Description : cpl namelist variable that provides additional info wrt STOP_OPTION # if STOP_OPTION is [ndays] , STOP_N is the number of days # if STOP_OPTION is [nmonths], STOP_N is the number of months # if STOP_OPTION is daily, monthly or yearly, this variable is ignored # Valid values : integer # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : REST_OPTION # Description : cpl namelist variable to set when component restart files are # created # if REST_OPTION is: # [ndays] , makes file every REST_N days relative to start date # [nmonths], makes file every REST_N months relative to start date # [daily] , makes file every day # [monthly], makes file every 1st day of month # [yearly] , makes file every 1st day of year # Valid values : [ndays,nmonths,daily,monthly,yearly] # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : REST_N # Description : cpl namelist variable that provides additional info wrt REST_OPTION # if REST_OPTION is [ndays] , REST_N is the number of days # if REST_OPTION is [nmonths], REST_N is the number of months # if REST_OPTION is daily, monthly or yearly this variable is ignored # Valid values : integer # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : HIST_OPTION # Description : cpl namelist variable to set when coupler history files are # created # if HIST_OPTION is: # [ndays] , makes file every HIST_N days relative to start date # [nmonths], makes file every HIST_N months relative to start date # [daily] , makes file every day # [monthly], makes file every 1st day of month # [yearly] , makes file every 1st day of year # [never] , coupler history output never written # Valid values : [ndays,nmonths,daily,monthly,yearly,never] # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : HIST_N # Description : cpl namelist variable that provides additional info wrt HIST_OPTION # if HIST_OPTION is: # [ndays] , HIST_N is the number of days # [nmonths], HIST_N is the number of months # daily, monthly or yearly this variable is ignored # Valid values : integer # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : HIST_64BIT # Description : cpl namelist variable that controls floating-point # precision in cpl history files # if HIST_64BIT is: # [.true.] , 64-bit precision is used # [.false.], 32-bit precision is used (default) # Vaid values : [.true., .false.] # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : DIAG_OPTION # Description : cpl namelist variable to set when diagnostic files are created # if DIAG_OPTION is: # [ndays] , makes file every DIAG_N days relative to start date # [nmonths], makes file every DIAG_N months relative to start date # [daily] , makes file every day # [monthly], makes file every 1st day of month # [yearly] , makes file every 1st day of year # [never] , diagnostic output never written # Valid values : [ndays,nmonths,daily,monthly,yearly,never] # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : DIAG_N # Description : cpl namelist variable that provides additional info wrt DIAG_OPTION # if DIAG_OPTION is [ndays] , DIAG_N is the number of days # if DIAG_OPTION is [nmonths], DIAG_N is the number of months # if DIAG_OPTION is daily, monthly or yearly this variable is ignored # Valid values : integer # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : INFO_DEBUG # Description: : coupler output information flag # higher levels result in more information written to stdout # level 1 is the default/recommended level # Valid Values : [0,1,2,3] # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : LOGDIR # Description: : Full pathname of directory where stdout and stderr should # be copied. If LOGDIR is set to "", then stdout and stderr # will not be copied to a LOGDIR directory. # Valid Values : full pathname or "" # Set in : env_run #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #========================================================================= # Environment variables in env_mach.$MACH #========================================================================= #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : EXEROOT # Description : root executable directory - models executables are built # here. # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : RUNROOT # Description : root executable directory - models executables are run # here. # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : GMAKE_J # Description : Number of threads invoked as part of gmake. # Machines have a default setting, but this parameter allows # the user to set this value here. # Valid values : [DEFAULT, integer > 0] # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables : NTASKS_ATM, NTASKS_LND, NTASKS_ICE, NTASKS_OCN, NTASKS_CPL # Description : number of component MPI tasks # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : NTHRDS_ATM, NTHRDS_LND, NTHRDS_ICE, NTHRDS_OCN, NTHRDS_CPL # Description : number of component OpenMP threads # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE # Description : maximum number of tasks per node. # this is currently only applicable on an IBM machines # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables : DIN_LOC_ROOT, DIN_LOC_ROOT, DIN_LOC_MSROOT # Description : Data prestaging: input data prestaging directives for # local prestaging # DIN_LOC_ROOT - local disk root directory for # ccsm input data # DIN_LOC_MSROOT - local mass store root directory for # ccsm input data # Used by script [$UTILROOT/Tools/ccsm_getinput] # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables : DIN_LOC_ROOT_USER # Description : Data prestaging: input data prestaging directives for # local prestaging of user created input datasetes # Used by script [$UTILROOT/Tools/ccsm_getinput] # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables : DIN_REM_MACH, DIN_REM_ROOT, DIN_REM_MSROOT # Description : Data prestaging: input data prestaging directives # for remote prestaging # DIN_REM_MACH - remote machine containing input data # DIN_REM_ROOT - remote machine disk root directory # for ccsm input data # DIN_REM_MSROOT - remote machine mass store root directory # for ccsm input data # Used by script $UTILROOT/Tools/ccsm_getinput # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : DOUT_S # Description : Short term archiving: archiving flag to determine if # short term archiving of output data will be enabled. # TRUE => enable archiving (this is the default). # Valid values : [TRUE, FALSE] # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : DOUT_S_ROOT # Set in : env_mach.$MACH # Description : Short term archiving: output data short term archiving # root directory. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : DOUT_L_MS # Description : Logical to determine whether long term archiving of # output data will be done. Long term archiving of output # data is done from the short term archiving area to a # local and possibly a remote mass store using the CCSM # long term archiving script, $CASE.l_archive. Long-term # archiving of output data will only be activated if # the environment variable DOUT_S is set to TRUE. # Vaid values : [TRUE, FALSE] # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables : DOUT_L_MSROOT # Description : Long-term archiving local mass store directives # DOUT_L_MSROOT - local mass store long term archiving root # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables : DOUT_L_MSNAME, DOUT_L_MSPW, DOUT_L_MSRPD, DOUT_L_MSPRJ # Description : Long-term archiving: used for NCAR MSS only # DOUT_L_MSNAME - NCAR MSS ROOT directory, usually $LOGNAME in caps # DOUT_L_MSPWD - NCAR MSS file write password # DOUT_L_MSRPD - NCAR MSS file retention period # DOUT_L_MSPRJ - NCAR MSS project charge number # Variables used by script [$CASE.l_archive] # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable : DOUT_L_RCP # Description : Long-term archiving: logical determines if long term archiving # should copy files to another site. # If long term archiving is required to copy files to another site, # this requires that ssh be setup so that passwords are note required # Vaid values : [TRUE, FALSE] # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables : DOUT_L_RCP_ROOT # Description : Long-term archiving: remote machine directives # DOUT_L_RCP_ROOT - remote machine disk long term archiving root # Variables used by script [$CASE.l_archive] # These variables ignored if DOUT_L_RCP is set to FALSE # Set in : env_mach.$MACH #-------------------------------------------------------------------------