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C-LAMP Participating Models

NCAR Community Climate System Model Version 3 (CCSM3)

Current Status of CCSM3 Model Runs

Job status updated Fri Apr 18 11:05:07 EDT 2008. Page updated Sun May 18 23:50:01 EDT 2008.

Case Name Model Experiment Description Start Date End Date Computer
Status Job ID In Year
i01.01casa CASA' Experiment 1.1 Spin up 0001-01-01 0526-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.01cn CN Experiment 1.1 First portion of spin up (AD_SPINUP) 0001-01-01 0501-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.02cn CN Experiment 1.1 Second portion of spin up (EXIT_SPINUP) (corrected land fraction) 0501-01-01 0526-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.03casa CASA' Experiment 1.1 Additional spin up (corrected land fraction) 0526-01-01 0751-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.03cn CN Experiment 1.1 Third portion of spin up 0526-01-01 4040-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.04casa CASA' Experiment 1.1 Additional spin up (corrected hydrology) 0526-01-01 4060-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.04cn CN Experiment 1.1 Test of spin up after code change (zeroing new flux variables not on initial dataset) 3401-01-01 3411-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.05casa CASA' Experiment 1.1 Test of spin up after code change 3401-01-01 4060-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.05cn CN Experiment 1.1 Test of spin up after code change 3411-01-01 3900-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.06casa CASA' Experiment 1.2 Control 1798-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.06cn CN Experiment 1.2 Control 1798-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.07casa CASA' Experiment 1.3 Varying climate only 1948-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.07cn CN Experiment 1.3 Varying climate only 1948-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.08casa CASA' Experiment 1.4 First portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition 1798-01-01 1948-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.08cn CN Experiment 1.4 First portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition - with N deposition climatology 1798-01-01 1890-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.09cn CN Experiment 1.4 First portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition - with N deposition time series 1890-01-01 1948-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.10casa CASA' Experiment 1.4 Second portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition 1948-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.10cn CN Experiment 1.4 Second portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition 1948-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.11casa CASA' Experiment 1.6 Varying climate, CO2, and N deposition Control for FACE Run 1997-01-01 2101-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.11cn CN Experiment 1.6 Varying climate, CO2, and N deposition Control for FACE Run 1997-01-01 2101-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.12casa CASA' Experiment 1.7 Free Air CO2 Experiment (FACE) Transient Run 1997-01-01 2101-01-01 phoenix Complete
i01.12cn CN Experiment 1.7 Free Air CO2 Experiment (FACE) Transient Run 1997-01-01 2101-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.01casa CASA' Experiment 2.1 First portion of coupled spin up 0001-01-01 0051-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.01cn CN Experiment 2.1 First portion of coupled spin up 0001-01-01 0051-01-01 phoenix Complete
i02.01casa CASA' Experiment 2.1 Second portion of coupled spin up 0051-01-01 0551-01-01 phoenix Complete
i02.01cn CN Experiment 2.1 Second portion of coupled spin up (AD_SPINUP) 0051-01-01 0551-01-01 phoenix Complete
i02.02casa CASA' Experiment 2.1 Continuation of spin up on bluevista 0501-01-01 1851-01-01 bluevista Complete
i02.02cn CN Experiment 2.1 Continuation of spin up on bluevista (AD_SPINUP) 0501-01-01 1851-01-01 bluevista Complete
i02.03cn CN Experiment 2.1 Third portion of coupled spin up (EXIT_SPINUP) 1851-01-01 1876-01-01 bluevista Complete
f02.02casa CASA' Experiment 2.1 Third portion of coupled spin up 1851-01-01 2601-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.02cn CN Experiment 2.1 Fourth portion of coupled spin up 1876-01-01 2601-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.03casa CASA' Experiment 2.1 Third portion of coupled spin up with prognostic CO2 and hourly output 1876-01-01 1956-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.03cn CN Experiment 2.1 Fourth portion of coupled spin up with prognostic CO2 and hourly output 1901-01-01 1956-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.04casa CASA' Experiment 2.2 Control 1800-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.04cn CN Experiment 2.2 Control 1800-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.05casa CASA' Experiment 2.3 First portion of varying climate 1800-01-01 1875-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.05cn CN Experiment 2.3 First portion of varying climate 1800-01-01 1875-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.06casa CASA' Experiment 2.3 Second portion of varying climate 1875-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.06cn CN Experiment 2.3 Second portion of varying climate 1875-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.07casa CASA' Experiment 2.4 First portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition (cycling SSTs, fossil fuels time series) 1800-01-01 1875-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.07cn CN Experiment 2.4 First portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition (cycling SSTs, fossil fuels time series, N deposition climatology) 1800-01-01 1875-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.08casa CASA' Experiment 2.4 Second portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition (SST time series, fossil fuels time series) 1875-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.08cn CN Experiment 2.4 Second portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition (SSTs time series, fossil fuels time series, N deposition climatology) 1875-01-01 1890-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.09cn CN Experiment 2.4 Third portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition (SSTs time series, fossil fuels time series, N deposition time series) 1890-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.10casa CASA' Experiment 2.6 First portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition (cycling SSTs, seasonalized fossil fuels time series) 1800-01-01 1875-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.10cn CN Experiment 2.6 First portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition (cycling SSTs, seasonalized fossil fuels time series, N deposition climatology) 1800-01-01 1875-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.11casa CASA' Experiment 2.6 First portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition (SSTs time series, seasonalized fossil fuels time series) 1875-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.11cn CN Experiment 2.6 Second portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition (SSTs time series, seasonalized fossil fuels time series, N deposition climatology) 1875-01-01 1890-01-01 phoenix Complete
f02.12cn CN Experiment 2.6 Third portion of varying climate, CO2, and N deposition (SSTs time series, seasonalized fossil fuels time series, N deposition time series) 1890-01-01 2005-01-01 phoenix Complete

Job status updated Fri Apr 18 11:05:07 EDT 2008. Page updated Sun May 18 23:50:01 EDT 2008.

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Contact: Forrest Hoffman (forrest@climatemodeling.org)