author Forrest Hoffman <>
Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:59:02 -0400
changeset 4 dd8e6719647b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added hg_summary_cb, which writes statistical outputs using climatology_bounds

h1_summary_cb - computes means and standard deviations of hourly output
netCDF files, creating two new netCDF files (one for the means and one
for the standard deviations) for each month by hour of day, just like
h1_summary and h1_summary2. However, this version does not create a
new "hour" dimension on every output field. Instead, it follows the
CF-1.0 standard that requires a "climatology_bounds" variable (instead
of the normal "time_bounds" variable) and each hour-of-day mean/standard
deviation is stored as a time slice.

h1_summary_cb will be used for the remaining C-LAMP experiments, starting
with Experiment 2.2.
     1 #include <stdio.h>
     2 #include <stdlib.h>
     3 #include <string.h>
     4 #include <math.h>
     5 #include "netcdf.h"
     7 /*
     8  * Loop through all history tapes from the Community Land Model adding new
     9  * fields that are totals of the multi-level fields included in total_vars[]
    10  * below.
    11  */
    13 static char *total_vars[] = {
    14 	"SOILICE",
    15 	"SOILLIQ"
    16 };
    17 static int nmtotal_vars = sizeof(total_vars)/sizeof(*total_vars);
    18 static char *combo_vars[] = {
    19 	"LATENT",		/* FCTR + FCEV + FGEV */
    20 	"ET",			/* QVEGE + QVEGT + QSOIL */
    21 	"ALL_SKY_ALBEDO",	/* FSR / FSDS */
    23 	"NETRAD",		/* FSA - FIRA */
    24 };
    25 static char *combo_long_names[] = {
    26 	"latent heat flux",
    27 	"evapotranspiration",
    28 	"surface all-sky albedo",
    29 	"surface black-sky albedo",
    30 	"net radiation"
    31 };
    32 static char *combo_units[] = {
    33 	"watt/m^2",
    34 	"m/s",
    35 	"unitless",
    36 	"unitless",
    37 	"watt/m^2"
    38 };
    39 static float combo_FillValues[] = {
    40 	1.e+36,
    41 	1.e+36,
    42 	1.e+36,
    43 	1.e+36,
    44 	1.e+36
    45 };
    46 static int nmcombo_vars = sizeof(combo_vars)/sizeof(*combo_vars);
    47 static char *varname_total_prefix = "TOTAL_", *longname_total_prefix = "total ";
    48 static char *time_name = "time", *lon_name = "lon", *lat_name = "lat";
    49 static char *long_name_name = "long_name", *units_name = "units",
    50 	*cell_method_name = "cell_method", *FillValue_name = "_FillValue",
    51 	*missing_value_name = "missing_value";
    52 static char *cell_method = "time: mean";
    54 void wrap_nc(int status)
    55 {
    56 	if (status != NC_NOERR) {
    57 		fprintf(stderr, "netCDF error: %s\n", nc_strerror(status));
    58 		exit(1);
    59 	}
    61 	return;
    62 }
    64 void read_total_timeslice(int ncid, int varid, size_t nlevels, size_t d1,
    65 	size_t d2, char FillFlag, float FillValue, size_t tslice, float *var,
    66 	double *tvar)
    67 {
    68 	int i, j;
    69 	size_t start[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS], count[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
    71 	/* Initialize tvar to FillValue */
    72 	for (i = 0; i < (d1 * d2); i++)
    73 		tvar[i] = (double)FillValue;
    76 	start[0] = tslice;
    77 	count[0] = 1;
    78 	start[2] = 0;
    79 	count[2] = d1;
    80 	start[3] = 0;
    81 	count[3] = d2;
    83 	/* March through the levels, totalling as we go */
    84 	for (j = 0; j < nlevels; j++) {
    85 		start[1] = j;
    86 		count[1] = 1;
    87 		wrap_nc(nc_get_vara_float(ncid, varid, start, count, var));
    88 		for (i = 0; i < (d1 * d2); i++) {
    89 			if (tvar[i] == (double)FillValue)
    90 				tvar[i] = (double)var[i];
    91 			else
    92 				tvar[i] += (double)var[i];
    93 		}
    94 	}
    96 	return;
    97 }
    99 void alloc_svars(size_t nsvars, size_t d1, size_t d2, float ***svarsp)
   100 {
   101 	int i;
   102 	float **svars;
   104 	if (!(*svarsp = (float **)malloc(nsvars * sizeof(float **)))) {
   105 		perror("alloc_svars:svarsp");
   106 		exit(2);
   107 	}
   108 	svars = *svarsp;
   109 	for (i = 0; i < nsvars; i++) {
   110 		if (!(svars[i] = (float *)malloc(d1 * d2 * sizeof(float)))) {
   111 			perror("alloc_svars:svars[i]");
   112 			exit(2);
   113 		}
   114 	}
   115 	return;
   116 }
   118 void free_svars(size_t nsvars, float **svars)
   119 {
   120 	int i;
   122 	for (i = 0; i < nsvars; i++)
   123 		free(svars[i]);
   124 	free(svars);
   125 	return;
   126 }
   128 void read_timeslice(int ncid, size_t d1, size_t d2, size_t tslice, char *name,
   129 	float *var)
   130 {
   131 	int varid;
   132 	size_t start[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS], count[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
   134 	start[0] = tslice;
   135 	count[0] = 1;
   136 	start[1] = 0;
   137 	count[1] = d1;
   138 	start[2] = 0;
   139 	count[2] = d2;
   141 	/* Get variable id */
   142 	wrap_nc(nc_inq_varid(ncid, name, &varid));
   143 	/* Assume the correct size and read the variable */
   144 	wrap_nc(nc_get_vara_float(ncid, varid, start, count, var));
   146 	return;
   147 }
   149 void read_compute_timeslice(int ncid, size_t d1, size_t d2, size_t tslice,
   150 	int num, double *tvar)
   151 {
   152 	int i;
   153 	size_t nsvars;
   154 	float **svars; /* source variables */
   155 	double denom;
   157 	/* Initialize tvar to FillValue */
   158 	for (i = 0; i < (d1 * d2); i++)
   159 		tvar[i] = (double)combo_FillValues[num];
   161 	switch (num) {
   162 		case 0: /* LATENT */
   163 			nsvars = 3;
   164 			alloc_svars(nsvars, d1, d2, &svars);
   165 			/* read timeslices */
   166 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FCTR", svars[0]);
   167 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FCEV", svars[1]);
   168 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FGEV", svars[2]);
   169 			/* compute new variable */
   170 			for (i = 0; i < (d1 * d2); i++) {
   171 				if (svars[0][i] != combo_FillValues[num] &&
   172 					svars[1][i] != combo_FillValues[num] &&
   173 					svars[2][i] != combo_FillValues[num]) {
   174 					tvar[i] = (double)svars[0][i]
   175 						+ (double)svars[1][i]
   176 						+ (double)svars[2][i];
   177 				}
   178 			}
   179 			free_svars(nsvars, svars);
   180 			break;
   181 		case 1: /* ET */
   182 			nsvars = 3;
   183 			alloc_svars(nsvars, d1, d2, &svars);
   184 			/* read timeslices */
   185 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "QVEGE", svars[0]);
   186 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "QVEGT", svars[1]);
   187 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "QSOIL", svars[2]);
   188 			/* compute new variable */
   189 			for (i = 0; i < (d1 * d2); i++) {
   190 				if (svars[0][i] != combo_FillValues[num] &&
   191 					svars[1][i] != combo_FillValues[num] &&
   192 					svars[2][i] != combo_FillValues[num]) {
   193 					tvar[i] = (double)svars[0][i]
   194 						+ (double)svars[1][i]
   195 						+ (double)svars[2][i];
   196 				}
   197 			}
   198 			free_svars(nsvars, svars);
   199 			break;
   200 		case 2: /* ALL_SKY_ALBEDO */
   201 			nsvars = 2;
   202 			alloc_svars(nsvars, d1, d2, &svars);
   203 			/* read timeslices */
   204 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FSR", svars[0]);
   205 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FSDS", svars[1]);
   206 			/* compute new variable */
   207 			for (i = 0; i < (d1 * d2); i++) {
   208 				if (svars[0][i] != combo_FillValues[num] &&
   209 					svars[1][i] != combo_FillValues[num] &&
   210 					(svars[1][i] > 1.e-35 || svars[1][i] < -1.e-35)) {
   211 					tvar[i] = (double)svars[0][i]
   212 						/ (double)svars[1][i];
   213 				}
   214 			}
   215 			free_svars(nsvars, svars);
   216 			break;
   217 		case 3: /* BLACK_SKY_ALBEDO */
   218 			nsvars = 4;
   219 			alloc_svars(nsvars, d1, d2, &svars);
   220 			/* read timeslices */
   221 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FSRNDLN", svars[0]);
   222 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FSRVDLN", svars[1]);
   223 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FSDSNDLN", svars[2]);
   224 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FSDSVDLN", svars[3]);
   225 			/* compute new variable */
   226 			for (i = 0; i < (d1 * d2); i++) {
   227 				if (svars[0][i] != combo_FillValues[num] &&
   228 					svars[1][i] != combo_FillValues[num] &&
   229 					svars[2][i] != combo_FillValues[num] &&
   230 					svars[3][i] != combo_FillValues[num]) {
   231 					denom = (double)svars[2][i] + (double)svars[3][i];
   232 					if (denom > 1.e-35 || denom < -1.e-35) {
   233 						tvar[i] = ((double)svars[0][i]
   234 							+ (double)svars[1][i]) /
   235 							((double)svars[2][i]
   236 							+ (double)svars[3][i]);
   237 					}
   238 				}
   239 			}
   240 			free_svars(nsvars, svars);
   241 			break;
   242 		case 4: /* NETRAD */
   243 			nsvars = 2;
   244 			alloc_svars(nsvars, d1, d2, &svars);
   245 			/* read timeslices */
   246 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FSA", svars[0]);
   247 			read_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, tslice, "FIRA", svars[1]);
   248 			/* compute new variable */
   249 			for (i = 0; i < (d1 * d2); i++) {
   250 				if (svars[0][i] != combo_FillValues[num] &&
   251 					svars[1][i] != combo_FillValues[num]) {
   252 					tvar[i] = (double)svars[0][i]
   253 						- (double)svars[1][i];
   254 				}
   255 			}
   256 			free_svars(nsvars, svars);
   257 			break;
   258 		default:
   259 			fprintf(stderr, "Unknown combination variable %d!\n", num);
   260 			exit(3);
   261 	}
   263 	return;
   264 }
   266 void write_timeslice(int ncid, int varid, size_t d1, size_t d2,
   267 	size_t tslice, float *var)
   268 {
   269 	size_t start[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS], count[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
   271 	start[0] = tslice;
   272 	count[0] = 1;
   273 	start[1] = 0;
   274 	count[1] = d1;
   275 	start[2] = 0;
   276 	count[2] = d2;
   278 	wrap_nc(nc_put_vara_float(ncid, varid, start, count, var));
   280 	return;
   281 }
   283 void usage(char *program)
   284 {
   285 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [ ... ]\n",
   286 		program);
   287 	fprintf(stderr, "Requires at least one history output file name\n");
   288 	exit(5);
   289 }
   291 int main(int argc, char **argv)
   292 {
   293 	char **ifnames;
   294 	int i, j, k, nifnames;
   295 	int ncid, ngdims, nvars, ngatts, unlimdimid, varid, ndims, natts,
   296 		dimids[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS], new_ndims, new_dimids[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS],
   297 		new_varid, lat_dimid, lon_dimid;
   298 	nc_type xtype, atype;
   299 	char name[NC_MAX_NAME+1], new_name[NC_MAX_NAME+1],
   300 		att_name[NC_MAX_NAME+1], *longname, *new_longname;
   301 	size_t tlen, ts, alen, nlevels, d1, d2;
   302 	float FillValue;
   303 	char FillFlag;
   304 	float *var;
   305 	double *tvar;
   307 #ifdef DEBUG
   308 	printf("Number of total variables (nmtotal_vars) = %d\n", nmtotal_vars);
   309 	printf("Number of combination variables (nmcombo_vars) = %d\n", nmcombo_vars);
   310 #endif /* DEBUG */
   312 	/* Require at least one parameter (the file on which to work) */
   313 	if (argc < 2)
   314 		usage(argv[0]);
   316 	/* Put the list of filenames in an array of strings */
   317 	if (!(ifnames = (char **)malloc((argc - 1) * sizeof(char *)))) {
   318 		perror("ifnames");
   319 		exit(2);
   320 	}
   321 	nifnames = 0;
   322 	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
   323 		if (!(ifnames[nifnames++] = strdup(argv[i]))) {
   324 			perror("ifnames[nifnames++]");
   325 			exit(2);
   326 		}
   327 	}
   329 	/*
   330 	 * March through all input files adding new variables for totals
   331 	 * across levels.
   332 	 */
   333 	for (i = 0; i < nifnames; i++) {
   334 		printf("Processing %s\n", ifnames[i]);
   335 		/* Open file */
   336 		wrap_nc(nc_open(ifnames[i], NC_WRITE, &ncid));
   337 		/*
   338 		 * Inquire about number of dimensions, variables, global
   339 		 * attributes and the ID of the unlimited dimension
   340 		 */
   341 		wrap_nc(nc_inq(ncid, &ngdims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid));
   342 		wrap_nc(nc_inq_dim(ncid, unlimdimid, name, &tlen));
   343 		if (strcmp(name, time_name)) {
   344 			fprintf(stderr, "%s is no the unlimited dimension for file %s!\n", time_name, ifnames[i]);
   345 			exit(4);
   346 		}
   347 		/* Retrieve lat and lon dimension IDs */
   348 		wrap_nc(nc_inq_dimid(ncid, lat_name, &lat_dimid));
   349 		wrap_nc(nc_inq_dimid(ncid, lon_name, &lon_dimid));
   350 		/* Put file into define mode */
   351 		wrap_nc(nc_redef(ncid));
   352 		/*
   353 		 * Define all of the new variables first to improve
   354 		 * performance.  This means some calls are made twice.
   355 		 */
   356 		/* First, add the new total variables */
   357 		for (j = 0; j < nmtotal_vars; j++) {
   358 			/* Figure out source variable information */
   359 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_varid(ncid, total_vars[j], &varid));
   360 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_var(ncid, varid, name, &xtype, &ndims, dimids, &natts));
   361 			/* Make sure it has the correct number of dimensions */
   362 			if (ndims != 4) {
   363 				fprintf(stderr, "Variable %s has %d dimensions!\n", name, ndims);
   364 				exit(4);
   365 			}
   366 			/* Make sure time is the first dimension */
   367 			if (dimids[0] != unlimdimid) {
   368 				fprintf(stderr, "First dimension of variable %s is not %s!\n", name, time_name);
   369 				exit(4);
   370 			}
   371 			/* Make sure it is a float type */
   372 			if (xtype != NC_FLOAT) {
   373 				fprintf(stderr, "Only NC_FLOAT type is supported presently!\n");
   374 				exit(4);
   375 			}
   376 			/* Set dimensions for new variable */
   377 			new_ndims = 3;
   378 			new_dimids[0] = unlimdimid;
   379 			new_dimids[1] = dimids[2];
   380 			new_dimids[2] = dimids[3];
   381 			/* Define new variable */
   382 			sprintf(new_name, "%s%s", varname_total_prefix, name);
   383 			printf("\tAdding variable %s\n", new_name);
   384 			wrap_nc(nc_def_var(ncid, new_name, xtype, new_ndims,
   385 				new_dimids, &new_varid));
   386 			/* Copy attributes from source variable to new one */
   387 			for (k = 0; k < natts; k++) {
   388 				wrap_nc(nc_inq_attname(ncid, varid, k, att_name));
   389 				if (!strcmp(att_name, "long_name")) {
   390 					wrap_nc(nc_inq_att(ncid, varid, att_name, &atype, &alen));
   391 					if (!(longname = (char *)malloc((alen+1)*sizeof(char)))) {
   392 						perror("longname");
   393 						exit(2);
   394 					}
   395 					wrap_nc(nc_get_att_text(ncid, varid, att_name, longname));
   396 					longname[alen] = '\0';
   397 					if (!(new_longname = (char *)malloc((strlen(longname_total_prefix)+alen+1)*sizeof(char)))) {
   398 						perror("new_longname");
   399 						exit(2);
   400 					}
   401 					sprintf(new_longname, "%s%s", longname_total_prefix, longname);
   402 					wrap_nc(nc_put_att_text(ncid, new_varid, att_name, strlen(new_longname), new_longname));
   403 					free(new_longname);
   404 					free(longname);
   405 				}
   406 				else
   407 					wrap_nc(nc_copy_att(ncid, varid, att_name, ncid, new_varid));
   408 			}
   409 		}
   410 		/* Second, add the new total variables */
   411 		for (j = 0; j < nmcombo_vars; j++) {
   412 			/* Set dimensions for new variable */
   413 			new_ndims = 3;
   414 			new_dimids[0] = unlimdimid;
   415 			new_dimids[1] = lat_dimid;
   416 			new_dimids[2] = lon_dimid;
   417 			/* Define new variable */
   418 			printf("\tAdding variable %s\n", combo_vars[j]);
   419 			wrap_nc(nc_def_var(ncid, combo_vars[j], NC_FLOAT,
   420 				new_ndims, new_dimids, &new_varid));
   421 			/* Add attributes */
   422 			wrap_nc(nc_put_att_text(ncid, new_varid, long_name_name,
   423 				strlen(combo_long_names[j]),
   424 				combo_long_names[j]));
   425 			wrap_nc(nc_put_att_text(ncid, new_varid, units_name,
   426 				strlen(combo_units[j]), combo_units[j]));
   427 			wrap_nc(nc_put_att_text(ncid, new_varid,
   428 				cell_method_name, strlen(cell_method),
   429 				cell_method));
   430 			wrap_nc(nc_put_att_float(ncid, new_varid,
   431 				FillValue_name, NC_FLOAT, 1,
   432 				&combo_FillValues[j]));
   433 			wrap_nc(nc_put_att_float(ncid, new_varid,
   434 				missing_value_name, NC_FLOAT, 1,
   435 				&combo_FillValues[j]));
   436 		}
   437 		/* Leave define mode */
   438 		wrap_nc(nc_enddef(ncid));
   439 		/* Now actually compute and write out the new total variables */
   440 		for (j = 0; j < nmtotal_vars; j++) {
   441 			/* Figure out source variable information */
   442 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_varid(ncid, total_vars[j], &varid));
   443 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_var(ncid, varid, name, &xtype, &ndims, dimids, &natts));
   444 			/* Check for _FillValue */
   445 			FillFlag = 0;
   446 			FillValue = 0.;
   447 			if (nc_inq_att(ncid, varid, FillValue_name, &atype, &alen) == NC_NOERR) {
   448 				if (atype == NC_FLOAT && alen) {
   449 					wrap_nc(nc_get_att_float(ncid, varid,
   450 						FillValue_name, &FillValue));
   451 					FillFlag = 1;
   452 				}
   453 			}
   454 			/* Set dimensions for new variable */
   455 			new_ndims = 3;
   456 			new_dimids[0] = unlimdimid;
   457 			new_dimids[1] = dimids[2];
   458 			new_dimids[2] = dimids[3];
   460 			sprintf(new_name, "%s%s", varname_total_prefix, name);
   461 			printf("\tComputing and writing %s\n", new_name);
   462 			/* Retrieve the new varid again */
   463 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_varid(ncid, new_name, &new_varid));
   464 			/*
   465 			 * Figure out dimensions and total size
   466 			 * for a single time slice
   467 			 */
   468 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[1], &nlevels));
   469 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[2], &d1));
   470 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[3], &d2));
   472 			/*
   473 			 * Allocate space for reading in time slice and for
   474 			 * the sum
   475 			 */
   476 			if (!(var = (float *)malloc((d1*d2) * sizeof(float)))) {
   477 				perror("var");
   478 				exit(2);
   479 			}
   480 			if (!(tvar = (double *)malloc((d1*d2) * sizeof(double)))) {
   481 				perror("tvar");
   482 				exit(2);
   483 			}
   485 			/* Read timeslices, total, and write out new timeslices */
   486 			for (ts = 0; ts < tlen; ts++) {
   487 				read_total_timeslice(ncid, varid,
   488 					nlevels, d1, d2, FillFlag, FillValue,
   489 					ts, var, tvar);
   490 				for (k = 0; k < (d1*d2); k++)
   491 					var[k] = (float)tvar[k];
   492 				write_timeslice(ncid, new_varid, d1, d2,
   493 					ts, var);
   494 			}
   496 			free(var);
   497 			free(tvar);
   498 		}
   499 		/* Now actually compute and write out the new combo variables */
   500 		for (j = 0; j < nmcombo_vars; j++) {
   501 			/* Set dimensions for new variable */
   502 			new_ndims = 3;
   503 			new_dimids[0] = unlimdimid;
   504 			new_dimids[1] = lat_dimid;
   505 			new_dimids[2] = lon_dimid;
   507 			printf("\tComputing and writing %s\n", combo_vars[j]);
   508 			/* Retrieve the new varid again */
   509 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_varid(ncid, combo_vars[j], &new_varid));
   510 			/*
   511 			 * Figure out dimensions and total size
   512 			 * for a single time slice
   513 			 */
   514 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, new_dimids[1], &d1));
   515 			wrap_nc(nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, new_dimids[2], &d2));
   517 			/*
   518 			 * Allocate space for reading in time slice and for
   519 			 * the sum
   520 			 */
   521 			if (!(var = (float *)malloc((d1*d2) * sizeof(float)))) {
   522 				perror("var");
   523 				exit(2);
   524 			}
   525 			if (!(tvar = (double *)malloc((d1*d2) * sizeof(double)))) {
   526 				perror("tvar");
   527 				exit(2);
   528 			}
   530 			/* Read timeslices, compute new variable, and write */
   531 			for (ts = 0; ts < tlen; ts++) {
   532 				read_compute_timeslice(ncid, d1, d2, ts,
   533 					j, tvar);
   534 				for (k = 0; k < (d1*d2); k++)
   535 					var[k] = (float)tvar[k];
   536 				write_timeslice(ncid, new_varid, d1, d2,
   537 					ts, var);
   538 			}
   540 			free(var);
   541 			free(tvar);
   542 		}
   543 		/* Close file */
   544 		wrap_nc(nc_close(ncid));
   545 	}
   547 	return 0;
   548 }