2008-09-23Fixed unit conversion for SOILPSI (wpsl) and regenerated files. Changed path to CMOR table in namelist files. default tip
Forrest Hoffman <forrest@climatemodeling.org> [Tue, 23 Sep 2008 12:03:47 -0400] rev 1
Fixed unit conversion for SOILPSI (wpsl) and regenerated files. Changed path to CMOR table in namelist files.

2008-09-22Initial commit of code to rewrite C-LAMP output from CLM3 for the Earth System Grid (ESG)
Forrest Hoffman <forrest@climatemodeling.org> [Sun, 21 Sep 2008 21:59:01 -0400] rev 0
Initial commit of code to rewrite C-LAMP output from CLM3 for the Earth System Grid (ESG)