changeset 0 0c6405ab2ff4
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/ameriflux/06.ncl	Mon Jan 26 22:08:20 2009 -0500
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
     1.4 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
     1.5 +; set _FillValue
     1.6 +; change Month to yyyymm
     1.7 +; add Month to output
     1.8 +; add lat, lon to output
     1.9 +; add year to output
    1.10 +;
    1.11 +; This example reads an ASCII file that is formatted a specific way, and
    1.12 +; writes out the results to a netCDF file.
    1.13 +;
    1.14 +; The first line in the ASCII file must be a header, with each field
    1.15 +; separated by a single character delimiter (like a ","). The rest of
    1.16 +; the file must be such that each row contains all fields, each
    1.17 +; separated by the designated delimiter.
    1.18 +;
    1.19 +; The fields can be integer, float, double, character, or string.
    1.20 +; String fields cannot be written to a netCDF file. They have to
    1.21 +; be read in as character arrays and written out that way.
    1.22 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.23 +
    1.24 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.25 +; This function returns the index locations of the given delimiter
    1.26 +; in a row or several rows of strings.
    1.27 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.28 +function delim_indices(strings,nfields,delimiter)
    1.29 +local cstrings, cdelim
    1.30 +begin
    1.31 +  nrows = dimsizes(strings)
    1.32 +;
    1.33 +; Handle special case if we only have one string. Make sure it
    1.34 +; is put into a 2D array.
    1.35 +;
    1.36 +  if(nrows.eq.1) then
    1.37 +    cstrings = new((/1,strlen(strings)+1/),character)
    1.38 +  end if
    1.39 +
    1.40 +  cstrings = stringtochar(strings)        ; Convert to characters.
    1.41 +  cdelim   = stringtochar(delimiter)      ; Convert delimiter to character.
    1.42 +;
    1.43 +; Som error checking here. Make sure delimiter is one character.
    1.44 +;
    1.45 +  nc   = dimsizes(cdelim)
    1.46 +  rank = dimsizes(nc)
    1.47 +  if( then
    1.48 +    print("delim_indices: fatal: the delimiter you've selected")
    1.49 +    print("must be a single character. Can't continue.")
    1.50 +    exit
    1.51 +  end if
    1.52 +
    1.53 +;
    1.54 +; Create array to hold indices of delimiter locations, and then loop
    1.55 +; through each row and find all the delimiters. Make sure each row has
    1.56 +; the correct number of delimiters.
    1.57 +;
    1.58 +  ndelims  = nfields-1
    1.59 +  cindices = new((/nrows,ndelims/),integer)
    1.60 +  do i = 0, nrows-1
    1.61 +    ii = ind(cstrings(i,:).eq.cdelim(0))
    1.62 +;
    1.63 +; Make sure there were delimiters on this row. If not, we just quit.
    1.64 +; This could probably be modified to do this more gracefully.
    1.65 +;
    1.66 +    if(any(ismissing(ii))) then
    1.67 +      print("delim_indices: fatal: I didn't find any delimiters")
    1.68 +      print("('" + delimiter + "') on row " + i + ". Can't continue.")
    1.69 +      exit
    1.70 +    end if
    1.71 +    if(dimsizes(ii).ne.ndelims) then
    1.72 +      print("delim_indices: fatal: I expected to find " + ndelims)
    1.73 +      print("delimiters on row " + i + ". Instead, I found " + dimsizes(ii) + ".")
    1.74 +      print("Can't continue.")
    1.75 +      exit
    1.76 +    end if
    1.77 +
    1.78 +    cindices(i,:) = ii
    1.79 +
    1.80 +    delete(ii)            ; For next time through loop
    1.81 +  end do
    1.82 +
    1.83 +  return(cindices)
    1.84 +end
    1.85 +
    1.86 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.87 +; This function reads in a particular field from a string array,
    1.88 +; given the field number to read (fields start at #1 and go to #nfield),
    1.89 +; and the indices of the delimiters.
    1.90 +;
    1.91 +; It returns either an integer, float, double, character, or a string,
    1.92 +; depending on the input flag "return_type".
    1.93 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.94 +function read_field(strings,ifield,indices,return_type)
    1.95 +local nstring, cstrings, nf, tmp_str
    1.96 +begin
    1.97 +  nrows = dimsizes(strings)
    1.98 +;
    1.99 +; Handle special case if we only have one string. Make sure it
   1.100 +; is put into a 2D array.
   1.101 +;
   1.102 +  if(nrows.eq.1) then
   1.103 +    cstrings = new((/1,strlen(strings)+1/),character)
   1.104 +  end if
   1.105 +
   1.106 +  cstrings = stringtochar(strings)
   1.107 +  nf       = dimsizes(indices(0,:))+1     ; indices is nrows x (nfields-1)
   1.108 +
   1.109 +;
   1.110 +; Error checking. Make sure user has entered a valid field.
   1.111 +;
   1.112 +  if( then
   1.113 +    print("read_field: fatal: you've selected a field that is")
   1.114 +    print("out-of-range of the number of fields that you have (" + nf + ").")
   1.115 +    exit
   1.116 +  end if
   1.117 +
   1.118 +;
   1.119 +; Set up array to return. For string, int, float, or double arrays,
   1.120 +; we don't have to do anything special. For character arrays,
   1.121 +; however, we do.
   1.122 +;
   1.123 +  if("character") then
   1.124 +    return_array = new(nrows,return_type)
   1.125 +  else
   1.126 +;
   1.127 +; We don't know what the biggest character array is at this point, so
   1.128 +; make it bigger than necessary, and then resize later as necessary.
   1.129 +;
   1.130 +    tmp_return_array = new((/nrows,dimsizes(cstrings(0,:))/),"character")
   1.131 +
   1.132 +    max_len = 0     ; Use to keep track of max lengths of strings.
   1.133 +  end if
   1.134 +
   1.135 +  do i = 0,nrows-1
   1.136 +;
   1.137 +; Special case of first field in row.
   1.138 +;
   1.139 +    if(ifield.eq.1) then
   1.140 +      ibeg = 0
   1.141 +      iend = indices(i,ifield-1)-1
   1.142 +    else
   1.143 +;
   1.144 +; Special case of first field in row.
   1.145 +;
   1.146 +      if( then
   1.147 +        ibeg = indices(i,ifield-2)+1
   1.148 +        iend = dimsizes(cstrings(i,:))-1
   1.149 +;
   1.150 +; Any field between first and last field.
   1.151 +;
   1.152 +      else
   1.153 +        ibeg = indices(i,ifield-2)+1
   1.154 +        iend = indices(i,ifield-1)-1
   1.155 +      end if  
   1.156 +    end if
   1.157 +;
   1.158 +; Here's the code that pulls off the correct string, and converts it
   1.159 +; to float if desired.
   1.160 +;
   1.161 +    if(return_type.eq."integer") then
   1.162 +      return_array(i) = stringtointeger(chartostring(cstrings(i,ibeg:iend)))
   1.163 +    end if
   1.164 +    if(return_type.eq."float") then
   1.165 +      return_array(i) = stringtofloat(chartostring(cstrings(i,ibeg:iend)))
   1.166 +    end if
   1.167 +    if(return_type.eq."double") then
   1.168 +      return_array(i) = stringtodouble(chartostring(cstrings(i,ibeg:iend)))
   1.169 +    end if
   1.170 +    if(return_type.eq."string") then
   1.171 +      return_array(i) = chartostring(cstrings(i,ibeg:iend))
   1.172 +    end if
   1.173 +    if(return_type.eq."character") then
   1.174 +      if( (iend-ibeg+1) .gt. max_len) then
   1.175 +        max_len = iend-ibeg+1
   1.176 +      end if
   1.177 +      tmp_return_array(i,0:iend-ibeg) = cstrings(i,ibeg:iend)
   1.178 +    end if
   1.179 +  end do
   1.180 +
   1.181 +  if(return_type.eq."character") then
   1.182 +    return_array = new((/nrows,max_len/),"character")
   1.183 +    return_array = tmp_return_array(:,0:max_len-1)
   1.184 +  end if
   1.185 +
   1.186 +  return(return_array)
   1.187 +end
   1.188 +
   1.189 +
   1.190 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.191 +; This function reads in string fields only to get the maximum string
   1.192 +; length.
   1.193 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.194 +function get_maxlen(strings,ifield,indices)
   1.195 +local nstring, cstrings, nf, tmp_str
   1.196 +begin
   1.197 +  nrows = dimsizes(strings)
   1.198 +;
   1.199 +; Handle special case if we only have one string. Make sure it
   1.200 +; is put into a 2D array.
   1.201 +;
   1.202 +  if(nrows.eq.1) then
   1.203 +    cstrings = new((/1,strlen(strings)+1/),character)
   1.204 +  end if
   1.205 +
   1.206 +  cstrings = stringtochar(strings)
   1.207 +  nf       = dimsizes(indices(0,:))+1     ; indices is nrows x (nfields-1)
   1.208 +
   1.209 +;
   1.210 +; Error checking. Make sure user has entered a valid field.
   1.211 +;
   1.212 +  if( then
   1.213 +    print("read_field: fatal: you've selected a field that is")
   1.214 +    print("out-of-range of the number of fields that you have (" + nf + ").")
   1.215 +    exit
   1.216 +  end if
   1.217 +;
   1.218 +; We don't know what the biggest character array is at this point, so
   1.219 +; make it bigger than necessary, and then resize later as necessary.
   1.220 +;
   1.221 +  tmp_return_array = new((/nrows,dimsizes(cstrings(0,:))/),"character")
   1.222 +
   1.223 +  max_len = 0     ; Use to keep track of max lengths of strings.
   1.224 +
   1.225 +  do i = 0,nrows-1
   1.226 +;
   1.227 +; Special case of first field in row.
   1.228 +;
   1.229 +    if(ifield.eq.1) then
   1.230 +      ibeg = 0
   1.231 +      iend = indices(i,ifield-1)-1
   1.232 +    else
   1.233 +;
   1.234 +; Special case of first field in row.
   1.235 +;
   1.236 +      if( then
   1.237 +        ibeg = indices(i,ifield-2)+1
   1.238 +        iend = dimsizes(cstrings(i,:))-1
   1.239 +;
   1.240 +; Any field between first and last field.
   1.241 +;
   1.242 +      else
   1.243 +        ibeg = indices(i,ifield-2)+1
   1.244 +        iend = indices(i,ifield-1)-1
   1.245 +      end if  
   1.246 +    end if
   1.247 +    if( (iend-ibeg+1) .gt. max_len) then
   1.248 +      max_len = iend-ibeg+1
   1.249 +    end if
   1.250 +  end do
   1.251 +
   1.252 +  return(max_len)
   1.253 +end
   1.254 +
   1.255 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.256 +; Main code.
   1.257 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.258 +begin
   1.259 +
   1.260 +;###############################################################
   1.261 +; Set up defaults.  We are hard-coding here..
   1.262 +
   1.263 +  year    = 2002
   1.264 +  lat     = 46.61878                 
   1.265 +  lon     = -91.08144 + 360.
   1.266 +
   1.267 +  nfields   = 30                        ; # of fields
   1.268 +  delimiter = ","                       ; field delimiter
   1.269 +
   1.270 +  filename  = year+".txt"       ; ASCII" file to read.
   1.271 +  cdf_file  = year+""   ; netCDF file to write. 
   1.272 +
   1.273 +  if(isfilepresent(cdf_file))
   1.274 +    print("Warning: '" + cdf_file + "' exists. Will remove it.")
   1.275 +    system("/bin/rm " + cdf_file)
   1.276 +  end if
   1.277 +
   1.278 +; In this case, fields #1-#2 are integers,
   1.279 +; and the rest of the fields are floats.
   1.280 +
   1.281 +  var_types      = new(nfields,string)
   1.282 +  var_types      = "float"       ; Most are floats.
   1.283 +  var_types(0:1) = "integer"
   1.284 +
   1.285 +;#####################################################################
   1.286 +
   1.287 +; Read in data as strings. This will create a string array that has the
   1.288 +; same number of strings as there are rows in the file. We will then need
   1.289 +; to parse each string later.
   1.290 +
   1.291 +  read_data = asciiread(filename,-1,"string")
   1.292 +
   1.293 +  header    = read_data(0)        ; Header. Use for variable names.
   1.294 +  data      = read_data(1:)       ; Get rid of first line which is a header.
   1.295 +  nmonth    = dimsizes(data)      ; Number of rows == number of month.
   1.296 +
   1.297 +; Read in locations of delimiters in each string row.
   1.298 +
   1.299 +  hindices = delim_indices(header,nfields,delimiter)   ; header row
   1.300 +  dindices = delim_indices(data,nfields,delimiter)     ; rest of file
   1.301 +
   1.302 +; Read in the field names which will become variable names on
   1.303 +; the netCDF file.
   1.304 +
   1.305 +  var_names = new(nfields,string)
   1.306 +
   1.307 +  do i=0,nfields-1
   1.308 +    var_names(i) = read_field(header,i+1,hindices,"string")
   1.309 +  end do
   1.310 +
   1.311 +;-------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.312 +; Write out this netCDF file efficiently so it will be faster.
   1.313 +; Try to predefine everything before you write to it.
   1.314 +
   1.315 +  f = addfile(cdf_file,"c")
   1.316 +  setfileoption(f,"DefineMode",True)       ; Enter predefine phase.
   1.317 +
   1.318 +; Write global attributes to file. It's okay to do this before 
   1.319 +; predefining the file's variables. We are still in "define" mode.
   1.320 +
   1.321 +  fAtt               = True
   1.322 +  fAtt@description   = "Data read in from " + filename + " ASCII file."
   1.323 +  fAtt@creation_date = systemfunc ("date")        
   1.324 +  fileattdef( f, fAtt )        
   1.325 +
   1.326 +; Write dimension names to file.
   1.327 + 
   1.328 +  dim_names = (/ "year",  "month" /)
   1.329 +  dim_sizes = (/ -1    ,  nmonth  /)
   1.330 +  dimUnlim  = (/ True  ,  False   /)
   1.331 +  filedimdef( f, dim_names, dim_sizes, dimUnlim )
   1.332 +
   1.333 +  filedimdef( f, "lat", 1, False )
   1.334 +  filedimdef( f, "lon", 1, False )
   1.335 +
   1.336 +; Define each variable on the file.
   1.337 +
   1.338 +  filevardef( f, "year", "integer", "year" )
   1.339 +  filevardef( f, "lat" , "float"  , "lat" )
   1.340 +  filevardef( f, "lon" , "float"  , "lon" )
   1.341 +
   1.342 +  do i=0,nfields-1
   1.343 +
   1.344 +;    define variable
   1.345 +
   1.346 +     filevardef(f, var_names(i), var_types(i), dim_names)
   1.347 +
   1.348 +;    define variable attributes
   1.349 +
   1.350 +     if (i.le.1) then
   1.351 +        varAtt = 0
   1.352 +;       varAtt@_FillValue = -999
   1.353 +     else
   1.354 +        varAtt = 0.
   1.355 +;       varAtt@_FillValue = 1.e36
   1.356 +     end if
   1.357 +
   1.358 +     varAtt@long_name  = var_names(i)
   1.359 +
   1.360 +     filevarattdef( f, var_names(i) , varAtt )
   1.361 +
   1.362 +     delete (varAtt)
   1.363 +  end do
   1.364 +;-----------------------------------------------------------------
   1.365 +
   1.366 +; Loop through each field, read the values for that field, print 
   1.367 +; information about the variable, and then write it to the netCDF file.
   1.368 +
   1.369 +  do i=0,nfields-1
   1.370 +    ifield = i+1                         ; Fields start at #1, not #0.
   1.371 +
   1.372 +    tmp_data = new((/1,nmonth/),var_types(i))
   1.373 +
   1.374 +    if (i.le.1) then
   1.375 +       tmp_data@_FillValue = -999
   1.376 +    else
   1.377 +       tmp_data@_FillValue = 1.e36
   1.378 +    end if     
   1.379 +
   1.380 +    tmp_data(0,:) = read_field(data,ifield,dindices,var_types(i))
   1.381 +  
   1.382 +    tmp_data = where(tmp_data .le. -9000.,tmp_data@_FillValue,tmp_data)
   1.383 +
   1.384 +;   change Month to yyyymm
   1.385 +
   1.386 +    if (i.eq.0) then
   1.387 +       tmp_data(0,:) = tmp_data(0,:) + year*100
   1.388 +    end if 
   1.389 +
   1.390 +; Print some info about the variable.
   1.391 +
   1.392 +;   print("")
   1.393 +;   print("Writing variable '" + var_names(i) + "' (field #" + ifield + ").")
   1.394 +;   print("Type is " + var_types(i) + ".")
   1.395 +;   print("min/max = " + min(tmp_data) + "/" + max(tmp_data))
   1.396 +
   1.397 +;   if(any(ismissing(tmp_data))) then
   1.398 +;     print("This variable does contain missing values.")
   1.399 +;   else
   1.400 +;     print("This variable doesn't contain missing values.")
   1.401 +;   end if
   1.402 +
   1.403 +; write variable to file
   1.404 +
   1.405 +    f->$var_names(i)$ = tmp_data       ; Write to netCDF file.
   1.406 +
   1.407 +    delete(tmp_data)                   ; Delete for next round.
   1.408 +  end do
   1.409 +
   1.410 +; write variable to file
   1.411 +
   1.412 +  f->year = year
   1.413 +  f->lat  = lat
   1.414 +  f->lon  = lon 
   1.415 +end