changeset 0 0c6405ab2ff4
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/biomass/03.ob_to_T31.ncl	Mon Jan 26 22:08:20 2009 -0500
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
     1.4 +; ***********************************************
     1.5 +; interpolate into model grids (T31)
     1.6 +; ***********************************************
     1.7 +load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
     1.8 +load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
     1.9 +load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
    1.10 +;************************************************
    1.11 +begin
    1.12 +
    1.13 +;************************************************
    1.14 +; read in model data
    1.15 +;************************************************
    1.16 +;fili2  = ""
    1.17 +;model_grid = "T31"
    1.18 +;fili2  = ""
    1.19 +;model_grid = "T42"
    1.20 + fili2  = ""
    1.21 + model_grid = "1.9"
    1.22 +
    1.23 + diri2  = "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/clamp_data/model/"
    1.24 + f      = addfile (diri2+fili2,"r")
    1.25 +
    1.26 + lon    = f->lon     
    1.27 + lat    = f->lat
    1.28 + nlon   = dimsizes(lon)
    1.29 + nlat   = dimsizes(lat)      
    1.30 +
    1.31 +; print (xi)
    1.32 +; print (yi)
    1.33 +;************************************************
    1.34 +; output data
    1.35 +;************************************************
    1.36 +  diro  = "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/clamp_data/biomass/ob/"
    1.37 +  filo  = "amazon_biomass_"+model_grid+".nc"
    1.38 +  c = addfile(diro+filo,"c")
    1.39 +;************************************************
    1.40 +; read in observed data
    1.41 +;************************************************
    1.42 +  diri  = "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/clamp_data/biomass/ob/"
    1.43 +  fili  = ""
    1.44 +  g     = addfile (diri+fili,"r")
    1.45 +  bi    = g->BIOMASS   
    1.46 +  xi    = g->lon 
    1.47 +  yi    = g->lat
    1.48 +;************************************************
    1.49 +; from class to value:
    1.50 +; Biomass map has 11 classes: (unit= Mg/ha)
    1.51 +; 0:                (_FillValue)
    1.52 +; 1:     0-25       (12.5)
    1.53 +; 2:    25-50       (37.5)
    1.54 +; 3:    50-75       (62.5)
    1.55 +; 4:    75-100      (87.5)
    1.56 +; 5:   100-150      (125)
    1.57 +; 6:   150-200      (175)
    1.58 +; 7:   200-250      (225)
    1.59 +; 8:   250-300      (275)
    1.60 +; 9:   300-350      (325)
    1.61 +; 10:  350-400      (375)
    1.62 +; 11: >400          (425)
    1.63 +;--------------------------
    1.64 +
    1.65 + bi@_FillValue = 1.e+36
    1.66 +
    1.67 + bi = where(bi.eq.0., bi@_FillValue,bi)
    1.68 + bi = where(bi.eq.1., 12.5,bi)
    1.69 + bi = where(bi.eq.2., 37.5,bi)
    1.70 + bi = where(bi.eq.3., 62.5,bi)
    1.71 + bi = where(bi.eq.4., 87.5,bi)
    1.72 + bi = where(bi.eq.5., 125.,bi)
    1.73 + bi = where(bi.eq.6., 175.,bi)
    1.74 + bi = where(bi.eq.7., 225.,bi)
    1.75 + bi = where(bi.eq.8., 275.,bi)
    1.76 + bi = where(bi.eq.9., 325.,bi)
    1.77 + bi = where(bi.eq.10.,375.,bi)
    1.78 + bi = where(bi.eq.11.,425.,bi)
    1.79 +
    1.80 +;print("min/max = " + min(bi) + "/" + max(bi))
    1.81 +
    1.82 +;************************************************
    1.83 +; Observed factor_aboveground = 0.5
    1.84 +;************************************************
    1.85 +
    1.86 + factor_aboveground = 0.5
    1.87 +;bi = bi * factor_aboveground
    1.88 +
    1.89 +
    1.90 +;************************************************
    1.91 +; find model grids that is inside observed grids
    1.92 +;************************************************
    1.93 + ind_lonL = min(ind(lon .ge. xi(0)))
    1.94 + ind_lonR = max(ind(lon .le. xi(dimsizes(xi)-1)))
    1.95 +
    1.96 + print (ind_lonL)
    1.97 +;print (xi(0))
    1.98 +;print (lon(ind_lonL))
    1.99 +
   1.100 + print (ind_lonR)
   1.101 +;print (xi(dimsizes(xi)-1))
   1.102 +;print (lon(ind_lonR))
   1.103 +
   1.104 + ind_latS = min(ind(lat .ge. yi(0)))
   1.105 + ind_latN = max(ind(lat .le. yi(dimsizes(yi)-1)))
   1.106 +
   1.107 + print (ind_latS)
   1.108 +;print (yi(0))
   1.109 +;print (lat(ind_latS))
   1.110 +
   1.111 + print (ind_latN)
   1.112 +;print (yi(dimsizes(yi)-1))
   1.113 +;print (lat(ind_latN))
   1.114 +
   1.115 + nlat_out = ind_latN - ind_latS + 1
   1.116 + nlon_out = ind_lonR - ind_lonL + 1
   1.117 +
   1.118 +print (nlat_out)
   1.119 +print (nlon_out)
   1.120 + 
   1.121 + bo = new((/nlat_out,nlon_out/),float)
   1.122 + lat_out = new((/nlat_out/),float)
   1.123 + lon_out = new((/nlon_out/),float)
   1.124 +
   1.125 +    do jj=0,nlat_out-1
   1.126 +       j = ind_latS + jj
   1.127 +       lat_out(jj) = lat(j)
   1.128 +       if (j.eq.0 .or. j.eq.nlat-1) then
   1.129 +          if (j.eq.0) then
   1.130 +             LATS = -90.          
   1.131 +             LATN = lat(j)+0.5*(lat(j+1)-lat(j))
   1.132 +          end if
   1.133 +          if (j.eq.nlat-1) then
   1.134 +             LATS = lat(j)-0.5*(lat(j)-lat(j-1))
   1.135 +             LATN = 90.                  
   1.136 +          end if
   1.137 +       else
   1.138 +          LATS = lat(j)-0.5*(lat(j)-lat(j-1))
   1.139 +          LATN = lat(j)+0.5*(lat(j+1)-lat(j))
   1.140 +       end if
   1.141 +       do ii=0,nlon_out-1
   1.142 +          i = ind_lonL + ii
   1.143 +          if (jj.eq.0) then
   1.144 +             lon_out(ii) = lon(i)
   1.145 +          end if
   1.146 +          if (i.eq.0 .or. i.eq.nlon-1) then
   1.147 +             if (i.eq.0) then
   1.148 +                LONL = 0.          
   1.149 +                LONR = lon(i)+0.5*(lon(i+1)-lon(i))
   1.150 +             end if
   1.151 +             if (i.eq.nlon-1) then
   1.152 +                LONL = lon(i)-0.5*(lon(i)-lon(i-1))
   1.153 +                LONR = 360.                 
   1.154 +             end if
   1.155 +          else
   1.156 +             LONL = lon(i)-0.5*(lon(i)-lon(i-1))
   1.157 +             LONR = lon(i)+0.5*(lon(i+1)-lon(i))
   1.158 +          end if
   1.159 +
   1.160 + print (LATS)
   1.161 + print (LATN)
   1.162 + print (LONL)
   1.163 + print (LONR)
   1.164 +
   1.165 +          bo(jj,ii) = avg(bi({LATS:LATN},{LONL:LONR}))  
   1.166 +       end do 
   1.167 +    end do
   1.168 +
   1.169 +  lon_out!0          = "lon"
   1.170 +  lon_out@long_name  = "longitude"
   1.171 +  lon_out@units      = "degrees_east"
   1.172 +  lon_out&lon        = lon_out
   1.173 +
   1.174 +  lat_out!0          = "lat"
   1.175 +  lat_out@long_name  = "latitude"
   1.176 +  lat_out@units      = "degrees_north"
   1.177 +  lat_out&lat        = lat_out
   1.178 +
   1.179 +  bo!0   = "lat"
   1.180 +  bo!1   = "lon"
   1.181 +  bo&lat =  lat_out
   1.182 +  bo&lon =  lon_out
   1.183 +  bo@units      = bi@units
   1.184 +  bo@long_name  = bi@long_name
   1.185 +; bo@_FillValue = bi@_FillValue
   1.186 +  bo@_FillValue = 1.e+36
   1.187 +
   1.188 +  c->BIOMASS  = bo
   1.189 +  c->lat      = lat_out
   1.190 +  c->lon      = lon_out
   1.191 +end
   1.192 \ No newline at end of file