changeset 0 0c6405ab2ff4
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/co2/99.all.ncl	Mon Jan 26 22:08:20 2009 -0500
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
     1.4 +; ***********************************************
     1.5 +; using gsn_table for all
     1.6 +; combine 19.metric_plot.ncl and 24.lines.ncl
     1.7 +; ***********************************************
     1.8 +load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
     1.9 +load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
    1.10 +load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
    1.11 +;************************************************
    1.12 +procedure set_line(lines:string,nline:integer,newlines:string) 
    1.13 +begin
    1.14 +; add line to ascci/html file
    1.15 +    
    1.16 +  nnewlines = dimsizes(newlines)
    1.17 +  if(
    1.18 +    print("set_line: bad index, not setting anything.") 
    1.19 +    return
    1.20 +  end if 
    1.21 +  lines(nline:nline+nnewlines-1) = newlines
    1.22 +;  print ("lines = " + lines(nline:nline+nnewlines-1))
    1.23 +  nline = nline + nnewlines
    1.24 +  return 
    1.25 +end
    1.26 +;****************************************************************************
    1.27 +
    1.28 +begin
    1.29 +
    1.30 +  plot_type = "ps"
    1.31 +  plot_type_new = "png"
    1.32 +
    1.33 +;************************************************
    1.34 +; read model data
    1.35 +;************************************************
    1.36 +
    1.37 +; from command line inputs
    1.38 +
    1.39 +;--------------------------------------------------
    1.40 +; edit table.html of current model for movel1_vs_model2
    1.41 +
    1.42 +  if (isvar("compare")) then
    1.43 +     html_name2 = compare+"/table.html"  
    1.44 +     html_new2  = html_name2 +".new"
    1.45 +
    1.46 +; the following only needs to execute once
    1.47 +;    system("sed 1,/model_nameA/s//"+model_name+"/ "+html_name2+" > "+html_new2+";"+ \
    1.48 +;           "mv -f "+html_new2+" "+html_name2+";"+ \
    1.49 +;           "sed 1,/model_nameB/s//"+model_name+"/ "+html_name2+" > "+html_new2+";"+ \
    1.50 +;           "mv -f "+html_new2+" "+html_name2+";"+ \
    1.51 +;           "sed s#"+modeln+"#"+model_name+"# "+html_name2+" > "+html_new2+";"+ \
    1.52 +;           "mv -f "+html_new2+" "+html_name2)
    1.53 +  end if
    1.54 +
    1.55 +;-------------------------------------
    1.56 +; edit table.html for current model
    1.57 +
    1.58 +  html_name = model_name+"/table.html"  
    1.59 +  html_new  = html_name +".new"
    1.60 +
    1.61 +; the following only needs to execute once
    1.62 +; system("sed s#model_name#"+model_name+"# "+html_name+" > "+html_new+";"+ \
    1.63 +;        "mv -f "+html_new+" "+html_name)
    1.64 +;------------------------------------------------
    1.65 +  fm    = addfile(dirm+film3,"r")
    1.66 +
    1.67 +  x     = fm->CO2
    1.68 +  xi    = fm->lon
    1.69 +  yi    = fm->lat
    1.70 +
    1.71 +  xdim  = dimsizes(x)
    1.72 +  nlev  = xdim(1)
    1.73 +  y     = x(:,0,:,:)
    1.74 +  
    1.75 +; get co2 at the lowest level
    1.76 +  y     = x(:,nlev-1,:,:)
    1.77 +
    1.78 +; change to unit of observed (u mol/mol)
    1.79 +; Model_units [=] kgCO2 / kgDryAir
    1.80 +; 28.966 = molecular weight of dry air
    1.81 +; 44.       = molecular weight of CO2
    1.82 +; u mol = 1e-6 mol
    1.83 +
    1.84 +  factor = (28.966/44.) * 1e6
    1.85 +  y      = y * factor
    1.86 +
    1.87 +  y@_FillValue = 1.e36
    1.88 +  y@units      = "u mol/mol"
    1.89 +;************************************************
    1.90 +; read data: observed
    1.91 +;************************************************
    1.92 +  diri  = "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/clamp_data/co2/ob/"
    1.93 +  fili  = ""
    1.94 +  g     = addfile (diri+fili,"r")
    1.95 +  val   = g->CO2_SEAS  
    1.96 +  lon   = g->LON 
    1.97 +  lat   = g->LAT
    1.98 +  sta   = chartostring(g->STATION) 
    1.99 +  delete (g)
   1.100 +
   1.101 +  ncase = dimsizes(lat)
   1.102 +;**************************************************************
   1.103 +; get only the lowest level at each station 
   1.104 +;**************************************************************
   1.105 +  lat_tmp = lat
   1.106 +  lat_tmp@_FillValue = 1.e+36
   1.107 + 
   1.108 +  do n = 0,ncase-1
   1.109 +     if (.not. ismissing(lat_tmp(n))) then 
   1.110 +        indexes = ind(lat(n) .eq. lat .and. lon(n) .eq. lon)
   1.111 +        if (dimsizes(indexes) .gt. 1) then
   1.112 +           lat_tmp(indexes(1:)) = lat_tmp@_FillValue
   1.113 +        end if
   1.114 +        delete (indexes)
   1.115 +     end if
   1.116 +  end do
   1.117 +
   1.118 +  indexes = ind(.not. ismissing(lat_tmp))
   1.119 + 
   1.120 +  lat_ob = lat(indexes)
   1.121 +  lon_ob = lon(indexes)
   1.122 +  val_ob = val(indexes,:)
   1.123 +;************************************************************
   1.124 +; interpolate model data into observed station
   1.125 +; note: model is 0-360E, 90S-90N
   1.126 +;************************************************************
   1.127 +; to be able to handle observation at (-89.98,-24.80)
   1.128 +  yi(0) = -90.
   1.129 +
   1.130 +  i = ind(lon_ob .lt. 0.)
   1.131 +  lon_ob(i) = lon_ob(i) + 360.  
   1.132 +
   1.133 +  yo = linint2_points_Wrap(xi,yi,y,True,lon_ob,lat_ob,0)
   1.134 +
   1.135 +  val_model = yo(pts|:,time|:)
   1.136 +  val_model_0 = val_model
   1.137 +;************************************************************
   1.138 +; remove annual mean
   1.139 +;************************************************************
   1.140 +  val_model = val_model - conform(val_model,dim_avg(val_model),0)
   1.141 +
   1.142 +;*******************************************************************
   1.143 +; res for station line plot
   1.144 +;*******************************************************************
   1.145 +; for x-axis in xyplot
   1.146 +  mon = ispan(1,12,1)
   1.147 +  mon@long_name = "month"
   1.148 +
   1.149 +  res                   = True                      ; plot mods desired
   1.150 +  res@xyLineThicknesses = (/2.0,2.0,2.0/)           ; make 2nd lines thicker
   1.151 +  res@xyLineColors      = (/"red","black"/)  ; change line color
   1.152 +
   1.153 +; Add a boxed legend using the more simple method
   1.154 +  res@pmLegendDisplayMode    = "Always"
   1.155 +; res@pmLegendWidthF         = 0.1
   1.156 +  res@pmLegendWidthF         = 0.08
   1.157 +  res@pmLegendHeightF        = 0.06
   1.158 +; res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -1.17
   1.159 +; res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -1.00  ;(downward)
   1.160 +  res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.30  ;(downward)
   1.161 +
   1.162 +; res@pmLegendParallelPosF   =  0.18
   1.163 +  res@pmLegendParallelPosF   =  0.23  ;(rightward)
   1.164 +
   1.165 +; res@lgPerimOn             = False
   1.166 +  res@lgLabelFontHeightF     = 0.015
   1.167 +  res@xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/model_name,"observed"/)
   1.168 +;************************************************************
   1.169 +; number of latitude zone
   1.170 +;************************************************************
   1.171 +  nzone = 4
   1.172 +
   1.173 +; saving data for zone
   1.174 +; number of rows for zone table (with data)
   1.175 +  nrow_zone = nzone 
   1.176 +
   1.177 +; number of columns for zone table
   1.178 +  ncol_zone = 6
   1.179 +
   1.180 +  text4 = new((/nrow_zone,ncol_zone/),string)
   1.181 +
   1.182 +do z = 0,nzone-1
   1.183 +
   1.184 +  if (z .eq. 0) then 
   1.185 +     zone = "60N-90N" 
   1.186 +     score_max = 5.0
   1.187 +     ind_z = ind(lat_ob .ge. 60.)
   1.188 +  end if
   1.189 +
   1.190 +  if (z .eq. 1) then 
   1.191 +     zone = "30N-60N" 
   1.192 +     score_max = 5.0
   1.193 +     ind_z = ind(lat_ob .ge. 30. .and. lat_ob .lt. 60.)
   1.194 +  end if
   1.195 +
   1.196 +  if (z .eq. 2) then 
   1.197 +     zone = "EQ-30N"
   1.198 +     score_max = 5.0
   1.199 +     ind_z = ind(lat_ob .ge. 0. .and. lat_ob .lt. 30.)
   1.200 +  end if
   1.201 +
   1.202 +  if (z .eq. 3) then 
   1.203 +     zone = "90S-EQ" 
   1.204 +     score_max = 5.0
   1.205 +     ind_z = ind(lat_ob .lt. 0. )
   1.206 +  end if
   1.207 +
   1.208 +  npts = dimsizes(ind_z)
   1.209 +
   1.210 +;------------------------------------------------------
   1.211 +; for metric table computation
   1.212 +  amp_ob        = new((/npts/),float)
   1.213 +  amp_model     = new((/npts/),float)
   1.214 +
   1.215 +  amp_ratio_sta = new((/npts/),float)
   1.216 +  ccr_sta       = new((/npts/),float)
   1.217 +  M_sta         = new((/npts/),float)
   1.218 +  score_sta     = new((/npts/),float)
   1.219 +;-----------------------------------------------------
   1.220 +; for station line plot
   1.221 +  npts_str = ""
   1.222 +  npts_str = npts
   1.223 +
   1.224 +  plot_data   = new((/2,12,npts/),float)
   1.225 +  plot_data_0 = new((/12,npts/),float)
   1.226 +
   1.227 +  plot_data!0 = "case"
   1.228 +  plot_data!1 = "month"
   1.229 +  plot_data!2 = "pts"
   1.230 +  plot_data@long_name   = "CO2 Seasonal"
   1.231 +
   1.232 +  plot_data_0!0 = "month"
   1.233 +  plot_data_0!1 = "pts"
   1.234 +  plot_data_0@long_name = "CO2"
   1.235 +;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.236 +  do n=0,npts-1
   1.237 +
   1.238 +     amp_ob(n)    = max(val_ob(ind_z(n),:)) - min(val_ob(ind_z(n),:)) 
   1.239 +     amp_model(n) = max(val_model(ind_z(n),:)) - min(val_model(ind_z(n),:))
   1.240 +
   1.241 +     amp_ratio_sta(n) = amp_model(n)/amp_ob(n)
   1.242 +     ccr_sta(n) = esccr(val_ob(ind_z(n),:),val_model(ind_z(n),:),0)
   1.243 +     M_sta(n) = 1.-abs(amp_ratio_sta(n)-1.)
   1.244 +     score_sta(n) = (ccr_sta(n)*ccr_sta(n) + M_sta(n))*0.5 * score_max
   1.245 +
   1.246 +;----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.247 +; for station line plot
   1.248 +
   1.249 +     plot_data(0,:,n) = (/val_model(ind_z(n),:)/)
   1.250 +     plot_data(1,:,n) = (/val_ob(ind_z(n),:)/)
   1.251 +
   1.252 +     plot_data_0(:,n) = (/val_model_0(ind_z(n),:)/)
   1.253 +   
   1.254 +     plot_name = sta(ind_z(n))    
   1.255 +     title = plot_name+"("+lat(ind_z(n))+","+lon(ind_z(n))+")"
   1.256 +
   1.257 +     wks = gsn_open_wks (plot_type,plot_name)   ; open workstation
   1.258 +;------------------------------------------
   1.259 +;    for panel plot
   1.260 +   
   1.261 +     plot=new(2,graphic)                        ; create graphic array
   1.262 +     res@gsnFrame     = False                   ; Do not draw plot 
   1.263 +     res@gsnDraw      = False                   ; Do not advance frame
   1.264 +
   1.265 +     pres                            = True     ; panel plot mods desired
   1.266 +     pres@gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5        ; increase white space around
   1.267 +                                               ; indiv. plots in panel
   1.268 +     pres@gsnMaximize                = True     ; fill the page
   1.269 +;------------------------------------------
   1.270 +     res@tiMainString = title                           ; add title
   1.271 +
   1.272 +     plot(0)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data(:,:,n),res)   ; create plot 1
   1.273 +
   1.274 +     plot(1)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data_0(:,n),res) ; create plot 2
   1.275 +
   1.276 +     gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,1/),pres)                 ; create panel plot
   1.277 +
   1.278 +     system("convert "+plot_name+"."+plot_type+" "+plot_name+"."+plot_type_new)
   1.279 +     system("rm "+plot_name+"."+plot_type)
   1.280 +
   1.281 +     clear (wks)
   1.282 +;---------------------------------------------------------------------------  
   1.283 +  end do
   1.284 +;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.285 +; for line plot in a zone
   1.286 +
   1.287 +  plot_name = "All_"+npts_str
   1.288 +  title = plot_name + " in "+ zone
   1.289 +
   1.290 +  wks = gsn_open_wks (plot_type,plot_name)        ; open workstation
   1.291 +;-----------------------------------------
   1.292 +; for panel plot
   1.293 +   
   1.294 +  plot=new(2,graphic)                        ; create graphic array
   1.295 +  res@gsnFrame     = False                   ; Do not draw plot 
   1.296 +  res@gsnDraw      = False                   ; Do not advance frame
   1.297 +
   1.298 +  pres                            = True     ; panel plot mods desired
   1.299 +  pres@gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5        ; increase white space around
   1.300 +                                               ; indiv. plots in panel
   1.301 +  pres@gsnMaximize                = True     ; fill the page
   1.302 +;-----------------------------------------
   1.303 +  res@tiMainString = title                                     ; add title
   1.304 +
   1.305 +  plot(0) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,mon,dim_avg_Wrap(plot_data),res)   ; create plot 1
   1.306 +    
   1.307 +  plot(1) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,mon,dim_avg_Wrap(plot_data_0),res) ; create plot 2
   1.308 +
   1.309 +  gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,1/),pres)                 ; create panel plot
   1.310 +
   1.311 +  system("convert "+plot_name+"."+plot_type+" "+plot_name+"."+plot_type_new)
   1.312 +  system("rm "+plot_name+"."+plot_type)
   1.313 +
   1.314 +  clear (wks)
   1.315 +; delete (ind_z)
   1.316 +  delete (plot_data)
   1.317 +  delete (plot_data_0)    
   1.318 +;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.319 +; values saved for zone table 
   1.320 +
   1.321 +  amp_ratio_zone = avg(amp_ratio_sta)
   1.322 +  ccr_zone       = avg(ccr_sta)
   1.323 +  M_zone         = 1.- (sum(abs(amp_model-amp_ob)/(amp_model+amp_ob))/npts) 
   1.324 +  score_zone     = (ccr_zone*ccr_zone + M_zone)*0.5 * score_max
   1.325 +
   1.326 +  text4(z,0) = zone
   1.327 +  text4(z,1) = sprintf("%.0f", npts)
   1.328 +  text4(z,2) = sprintf("%.2f", amp_ratio_zone)
   1.329 +  text4(z,3) = sprintf("%.2f", ccr_zone)
   1.330 +  text4(z,4) = sprintf("%.2f", M_zone)
   1.331 +  text4(z,5) = sprintf("%.2f", score_zone)  
   1.332 +
   1.333 +;*******************************************************************
   1.334 +; html table -- station
   1.335 +;*******************************************************************
   1.336 +  output_html = "score+line_"+zone+".html"
   1.337 +
   1.338 +  header = (/"<HTML>" \
   1.339 +            ,"<HEAD>" \
   1.340 +            ,"<TITLE>CLAMP metrics</TITLE>" \
   1.341 +            ,"</HEAD>" \
   1.342 +            ,"<H1>CO2 in Zone "+zone+": Model "+model_name+"</H1>" \
   1.343 +            /) 
   1.344 +  footer = "</HTML>"
   1.345 +
   1.346 +  table_header = (/ \
   1.347 +        "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width=100%>" \
   1.348 +       ,"<tr>" \
   1.349 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Site Name</th>" \
   1.350 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Latitude</th>" \
   1.351 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Longitude</th>" \
   1.352 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Amplitude Ratio</th>" \
   1.353 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Correleration Coef</th>" \
   1.354 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >M Score</th>" \
   1.355 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Combined Score</th>" \
   1.356 +       ,"</tr>" \
   1.357 +       /)
   1.358 +  table_footer = "</table>"
   1.359 +  row_header = "<tr>"
   1.360 +  row_footer = "</tr>"
   1.361 +
   1.362 +  lines = new(50000,string)
   1.363 +  nline = 0
   1.364 +
   1.365 +  set_line(lines,nline,header)
   1.366 +  set_line(lines,nline,table_header)
   1.367 +;-----------------------------------------------
   1.368 +; row of table
   1.369 +  
   1.370 +  do n = 0,npts-1
   1.371 +     set_line(lines,nline,row_header)
   1.372 +
   1.373 +     txt0 = sta(ind_z(n))
   1.374 +     txt1 = sprintf("%5.2f", (/lat(ind_z(n))/))
   1.375 +     txt2 = sprintf("%5.2f", (/lon(ind_z(n))/))
   1.376 +     txt3 = sprintf("%5.2f", (/amp_ratio_sta(n)/))
   1.377 +     txt4 = sprintf("%5.2f", (/ccr_sta(n)/))
   1.378 +     txt5 = sprintf("%5.2f", (/M_sta(n)/))
   1.379 +     txt6 = sprintf("%5.2f", (/score_sta(n)/))
   1.380 +
   1.381 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th><a href="+txt0+".png>"+txt0+"</a></th>")
   1.382 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt1+"</th>")
   1.383 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt2+"</th>")
   1.384 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt3+"</th>")
   1.385 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt4+"</th>")
   1.386 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt5+"</th>")
   1.387 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt6+"</th>")
   1.388 +
   1.389 +     set_line(lines,nline,row_footer)
   1.390 +  end do
   1.391 +
   1.392 +; last row, summary
   1.393 +  set_line(lines,nline,row_header)
   1.394 +
   1.395 +  txt0 = "All_"+sprintf("%.0f", (/npts/))
   1.396 +  txt1 = "-"
   1.397 +  txt2 = "-"
   1.398 +  txt3 = sprintf("%5.2f", (/amp_ratio_zone/))
   1.399 +  txt4 = sprintf("%5.2f", (/ccr_zone/))
   1.400 +  txt5 = sprintf("%5.2f", (/M_zone/))
   1.401 +  txt6 = sprintf("%5.2f", (/score_zone/))
   1.402 +
   1.403 +  set_line(lines,nline,"<th><a href="+txt0+".png>"+txt0+"</a></th>")
   1.404 +  set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt1+"</th>")
   1.405 +  set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt2+"</th>")
   1.406 +  set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt3+"</th>")
   1.407 +  set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt4+"</th>")
   1.408 +  set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt5+"</th>")
   1.409 +  set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt6+"</th>")
   1.410 +
   1.411 +  set_line(lines,nline,row_footer)
   1.412 +;-----------------------------------------------
   1.413 +  set_line(lines,nline,table_footer)
   1.414 +  set_line(lines,nline,footer) 
   1.415 +
   1.416 +; Now write to an HTML file.
   1.417 +  idx = ind(.not.ismissing(lines))
   1.418 +  if(.not.any(ismissing(idx))) then
   1.419 +    asciiwrite(output_html,lines(idx))
   1.420 +  else
   1.421 +   print ("error?")
   1.422 +  end if
   1.423 +  delete (idx)
   1.424 +;-----------------------------------------------------------------
   1.425 +
   1.426 +  delete (ind_z)
   1.427 +  delete (amp_model)
   1.428 +  delete (amp_ob)
   1.429 +  delete (amp_ratio_sta)
   1.430 +  delete (ccr_sta)
   1.431 +  delete (M_sta)
   1.432 +  delete (score_sta)
   1.433 +  clear (wks)
   1.434 +end do
   1.435 +
   1.436 +;*******************************************************************
   1.437 +; html table -- zone
   1.438 +;*******************************************************************
   1.439 +  output_html = "score+line_vs_ob.html"
   1.440 +
   1.441 +  header = (/"<HTML>" \
   1.442 +            ,"<HEAD>" \
   1.443 +            ,"<TITLE>CLAMP metrics</TITLE>" \
   1.444 +            ,"</HEAD>" \
   1.445 +            ,"<H1>CO2 in Latitude Zone: Model "+model_name+"</H1>" \
   1.446 +            /) 
   1.447 +  footer = "</HTML>"
   1.448 +
   1.449 +  delete (table_header)
   1.450 +  table_header = (/ \
   1.451 +        "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width=80%>" \
   1.452 +       ,"<tr>" \
   1.453 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Zone</th>" \
   1.454 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Number of Site</th>" \
   1.455 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Amplitide Ratio</th>" \
   1.456 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Correleration Coef</th>" \
   1.457 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >M Score</th>" \
   1.458 +       ,"   <th bgcolor=DDDDDD >Combined Score</th>" \
   1.459 +       ,"</tr>" \
   1.460 +       /)
   1.461 +  table_footer = "</table>"
   1.462 +  row_header = "<tr>"
   1.463 +  row_footer = "</tr>"
   1.464 +
   1.465 +  lines = new(50000,string)
   1.466 +  nline = 0
   1.467 +
   1.468 +  set_line(lines,nline,header)
   1.469 +  set_line(lines,nline,table_header)
   1.470 +;-----------------------------------------------
   1.471 +;row of table
   1.472 + 
   1.473 +  do n = 0,nrow_zone-1
   1.474 +     set_line(lines,nline,row_header)
   1.475 +
   1.476 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th><a href=score+line_"+text4(n,0)+".html>"+text4(n,0)+"</th>")
   1.477 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+text4(n,1)+"</th>")
   1.478 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+text4(n,2)+"</th>")
   1.479 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+text4(n,3)+"</th>")
   1.480 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+text4(n,4)+"</th>")
   1.481 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+text4(n,5)+"</th>")
   1.482 +
   1.483 +     set_line(lines,nline,row_footer)
   1.484 +  end do
   1.485 +
   1.486 +; for the last row
   1.487 +
   1.488 +     txt0 = "All"
   1.489 +     txt1 = sum(stringtofloat(text4(0:3,1))) 
   1.490 +     txt2 = "-"
   1.491 +     txt3 = "-"
   1.492 +     txt4 = "-"
   1.493 +     txt5 = sum(stringtofloat(text4(0:3,5)))
   1.494 +
   1.495 +     set_line(lines,nline,row_header)
   1.496 +
   1.497 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt0+"</th>")
   1.498 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt1+"</th>")
   1.499 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt2+"</th>")
   1.500 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt3+"</th>")
   1.501 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt4+"</th>")
   1.502 +     set_line(lines,nline,"<th>"+txt5+"</th>")
   1.503 +
   1.504 +     set_line(lines,nline,row_footer)
   1.505 +;-----------------------------------------------
   1.506 +  set_line(lines,nline,table_footer)
   1.507 +  set_line(lines,nline,footer) 
   1.508 +
   1.509 +; Now write to an HTML file.
   1.510 +  idx = ind(.not.ismissing(lines))
   1.511 +  if(.not.any(ismissing(idx))) then
   1.512 +    asciiwrite(output_html,lines(idx))
   1.513 +  else
   1.514 +   print ("error?")
   1.515 +  end if
   1.516 +  delete (idx)
   1.517 +;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.518 + 
   1.519 +  M_co2 = txt5
   1.520 +
   1.521 +  if (isvar("compare")) then
   1.522 +     system("sed 1,/M_co2/s//"+M_co2+"/ "+html_name2+" > "+html_new2+";"+ \
   1.523 +            "mv -f "+html_new2+" "+html_name2)
   1.524 +  end if
   1.525 +
   1.526 +  system("sed s#M_co2#"+M_co2+"# "+html_name+" > "+html_new+";"+ \
   1.527 +         "mv -f "+html_new+" "+html_name) 
   1.528 +;***************************************************************************
   1.529 +; output plots
   1.530 +;***************************************************************************
   1.531 +  output_dir = model_name+"/co2"
   1.532 +
   1.533 +  system("mv *.png *.html " + output_dir)
   1.534 +;*************************************************************************** 
   1.535 +end