author Forrest Hoffman <>
Mon, 26 Jan 2009 22:08:20 -0500
changeset 0 0c6405ab2ff4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial commit of C-LAMP Diagnostics from Jeff Lee
     1 /* purpose: conversion of binary data with little-endian to ASCII
     2    Sep. 8, 2006 by Maosheng Zhao */
     4 /* I also accounts for the possible different CPU on different platforms,
     5    and therefore, it should work on different machines without problem */
     7 #include<stdio.h>
     8 #define COLS 7200
     9 #define ROWS 3600
    10 #define DATA_TYPE unsigned short
    12 /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*/
    13 #define IN_FILE_NAME  "Npp_0.05deg_mean.int16"
    14 #define OUT_FILE_NAME "Npp_0.05deg_mean.ASCII2"
    15 /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*/
    16 int main()
    17 {
    18     /* definiation of variables will be used */
    19     FILE *in_f, *out_f;
    20     static DATA_TYPE data_in[ROWS][COLS];
    21     int i,j;
    23     /* the follow definition is for determination the type of CPU */
    24     int  is_big_endian=0;
    25     short one=1;
    26     char *cp;
    28     /* define a buffer pointer to swap bytes if it is big-endian CPU */
    29     char temp_char[sizeof(DATA_TYPE)];
    30     DATA_TYPE *buffer_data; 
    31     int m;
    33     /*################################################################*/
    34     /* main program starts */
    35     /* open the data file and read all the data */
    36     in_f = fopen(IN_FILE_NAME,"rb");
    37     if(in_f == NULL)
    38     {
    39 	printf("cannot open %s, exit...\n",IN_FILE_NAME);
    40 	exit(0);
    41     }
    42     else  /* reading the data */
    43     {
    44 	/* tell the type of CPU */
    45 	cp = (char*)&one;
    46 	if(*cp == 0)
    47 	   is_big_endian = 1;  /* yes, this is a big-endian CPU */
    48 	else
    49 	   is_big_endian = 0;  /* this is a little-endian CPU */
    51 	if(is_big_endian == 0)
    52 	{
    53 	   printf("This is a little-endian CPU, no need to swap bytes\n");
    54 	   printf("reading data now, please waiting for...\n");
    55 	   fread(data_in,sizeof(DATA_TYPE),COLS*ROWS,in_f);
    56 	}
    57 	else
    58 	{
    59 	   printf("This is a big-endian CPU, which needs to swap bytes\n");
    60 	   printf("reading data now, please waiting for...\n");
    61 	   for(i=0;i<ROWS;i++)
    62 		for(j=0;j<COLS;j++)
    63 		{
    64 	   	   for(m=0;m<sizeof(DATA_TYPE);m++)
    65 			fread(&temp_char[sizeof(DATA_TYPE)-1-m],1,1,in_f);
    67 		   /* swap the byte order */
    68 		   buffer_data = (DATA_TYPE*)temp_char;
    69 		   data_in[i][j] = *buffer_data;
    70 		} /* end of nested loops for i and j */
    71 	}
    72     }
    74     /* close the input file */
    75     fclose(in_f);
    78     /* write the ASCII to a new file */
    79     out_f = fopen(OUT_FILE_NAME,"w");
    80     printf("Please waiting for writing data to %s\n",OUT_FILE_NAME);
    81     for(i=0;i<ROWS;i++)
    82 	for(j=0;j<COLS;j++)
    83 	    fprintf(out_f,"%6d\n",data_in[i][j]);
    85     fclose(out_f);
    87     printf("Finished conversion of binary to ASCII\n");
    89     return(0);
    90 }