forrest@0: ; *********************************************** forrest@0: ; using gsn_table for all forrest@0: ; output: line plot for each site (4 fields) forrest@0: ; table for M_score forrest@0: ; *********************************************** forrest@0: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl.test" forrest@0: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl.test" forrest@0: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" forrest@0: ;load "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/clamp/co2/metrics_table.ncl" forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: begin forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_type = "ps" forrest@0: plot_type_new = "png" forrest@0: forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: ; read model data forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: model_name = "10cn" forrest@0: film = "" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; model_name = "10casa" forrest@0: ; film = "" forrest@0: forrest@0: system("sed s#model_name#"+model_name+"# table.html >") forrest@0: system("mv -f table.html") forrest@0: ;-------------------------------------------- forrest@0: dirm = "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/clamp_data/model/" forrest@0: fm = addfile(dirm+film,"r") forrest@0: forrest@0: xm = fm->lon forrest@0: ym = fm->lat forrest@0: nlat = dimsizes(ym) forrest@0: nlon = dimsizes(xm) forrest@0: forrest@0: nmon = 12 forrest@0: nfield = 4 forrest@0: forrest@0: data_mod0 = new ((/nfield,nmon,nlat,nlon/),float) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; change to unit of observed (u mol/m2/s) forrest@0: ; Model_units [=] gC/m2/s forrest@0: ; 12. = molecular weight of C forrest@0: ; u mol = 1e-6 mol forrest@0: data = fm->NEE forrest@0: forrest@0: factor = 1e6 /12. forrest@0: forrest@0: data_mod0(0,:,:,:) = data(:,:,:) * factor forrest@0: delete (data) forrest@0: forrest@0: data = fm->NETRAD forrest@0: data_mod0(1,:,:,:) = data(:,:,:) forrest@0: delete (data) forrest@0: forrest@0: data = fm->LATENT forrest@0: data_mod0(2,:,:,:) = data(:,:,:) forrest@0: delete (data) forrest@0: forrest@0: data = fm->SENSIBLE forrest@0: data_mod0(3,:,:,:) = data(:,:,:) forrest@0: delete (data) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; printVarSummary (data_mod0) forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: ; read in data: observed forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: station = (/"BOREAS_NSA_OBS" \ forrest@0: ,"CastelPorziano" \ forrest@0: ,"Hyytiala" \ forrest@0: ,"Kaamanen" \ forrest@0: ,"LBA_Tapajos_KM67" \ forrest@0: ,"Lethbridge" \ forrest@0: ,"Tharandt" \ forrest@0: ,"Vielsalm" \ forrest@0: /) forrest@0: forrest@0: year_ob = (/"1994-2004" \ forrest@0: ,"1997-2003" \ forrest@0: ,"1996-2003" \ forrest@0: ,"2000-2003" \ forrest@0: ,"2002-2005" \ forrest@0: ,"1999-2004" \ forrest@0: ,"1996-2003" \ forrest@0: ,"1998-2003" \ forrest@0: /) forrest@0: forrest@0: field = (/"CO2 Flux" \ forrest@0: ,"Net Radiation" \ forrest@0: ,"Latent Heat" \ forrest@0: ,"Sensible Heat" \ forrest@0: /) forrest@0: forrest@0: nstation = dimsizes(station) forrest@0: nmon = 12 forrest@0: nfield = dimsizes(field) forrest@0: forrest@0: data_ob = new ((/nstation, nfield, nmon/),float) forrest@0: lat_ob = new ((/nstation/),float) forrest@0: lon_ob = new ((/nstation/),float) forrest@0: forrest@0: diri_root = "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/clamp_data/fluxnet/" forrest@0: forrest@0: do n = 0,nstation-1 forrest@0: diri = diri_root + station(n)+"/" forrest@0: fili = station(n)+"_"+year_ob(n)+"" forrest@0: g = addfile (diri+fili,"r") forrest@0: forrest@0: lon_ob(n) = g->lon forrest@0: lat_ob(n) = g->lat forrest@0: forrest@0: data = g->CO2_FLUX forrest@0: data_ob(n,0,:) = dim_avg(data(month|:,year|:)) forrest@0: delete (data) forrest@0: forrest@0: data = g->RAD_FLUX forrest@0: data_ob(n,1,:) = dim_avg(data(month|:,year|:)) forrest@0: delete (data) forrest@0: forrest@0: data = g->LH_FLUX forrest@0: data_ob(n,2,:) = dim_avg(data(month|:,year|:)) forrest@0: delete (data) forrest@0: forrest@0: data = g->SH_FLUX forrest@0: data_ob(n,3,:) = dim_avg(data(month|:,year|:)) forrest@0: delete (data) forrest@0: forrest@0: delete (g) forrest@0: end do forrest@0: forrest@0: ;print (lat_ob) forrest@0: ;print (lon_ob) forrest@0: ;printVarSummary (data_ob) forrest@0: forrest@0: ;************************************************************ forrest@0: ; interpolate model data into observed station forrest@0: ; note: model is 0-360E, 90S-90N forrest@0: ;************************************************************ forrest@0: forrest@0: ; to be able to handle observation at (-89.98,-24.80) forrest@0: ; print (ym(0)) forrest@0: ym(0) = -90. forrest@0: forrest@0: yy = linint2_points_Wrap(xm,ym,data_mod0,True,lon_ob,lat_ob,0) forrest@0: forrest@0: delete (data_mod0) forrest@0: yy!0 = "field" forrest@0: data_mod = yy(pts|:,field|:,time|:) forrest@0: ; printVarSummary (data_mod) forrest@0: forrest@0: ;************************************************************ forrest@0: ; compute correlation coef and M score forrest@0: ;************************************************************ forrest@0: forrest@0: score_max = 5. forrest@0: forrest@0: ccr = new ((/nstation, nfield/),float) forrest@0: M_score = new ((/nstation, nfield/),float) forrest@0: forrest@0: do n=0,nstation-1 forrest@0: do m=0,nfield-1 forrest@0: ccr(n,m) = esccr(data_ob(n,m,:),data_mod(n,m,:),0) forrest@0: bias = sum(abs(data_mod(n,m,:)-data_ob(n,m,:))/(abs(data_mod(n,m,:))+abs(data_ob(n,m,:)))) forrest@0: M_score(n,m) = (1. -(bias/nmon)) * score_max forrest@0: end do forrest@0: end do forrest@0: forrest@0: ;******************************************************************* forrest@0: ; for station line plot forrest@0: ;******************************************************************* forrest@0: forrest@0: ; for x-axis in xyplot forrest@0: mon = ispan(1,12,1) forrest@0: mon@long_name = "month" forrest@0: forrest@0: res = True ; plot mods desired forrest@0: res@xyLineThicknesses = (/2.0,2.0/) ; make 2nd lines thicker forrest@0: res@xyLineColors = (/"blue","red"/) ; line color (ob,model) forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; Add a boxed legend using the more simple method forrest@0: forrest@0: res@pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always" forrest@0: ; res@pmLegendWidthF = 0.1 forrest@0: res@pmLegendWidthF = 0.08 forrest@0: res@pmLegendHeightF = 0.06 forrest@0: ; res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -1.17 forrest@0: ; res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -1.00 ;(downward) forrest@0: res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.30 ;(downward) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; res@pmLegendParallelPosF = 0.18 forrest@0: res@pmLegendParallelPosF = 0.23 ;(rightward) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; res@lgPerimOn = False forrest@0: res@lgLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 forrest@0: res@xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"observed",model_name/) forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; for panel plot forrest@0: res@gsnFrame = False ; Do not draw plot forrest@0: res@gsnDraw = False ; Do not advance frame forrest@0: forrest@0: pres = True ; panel plot mods desired forrest@0: pres@gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5 ; increase white space around forrest@0: ; indiv. plots in panel forrest@0: pres@gsnMaximize = True ; fill the page forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data = new((/2,12/),float) forrest@0: plot_data!0 = "case" forrest@0: plot_data!1 = "month" forrest@0: forrest@0: do n = 0,nstation-1 forrest@0: ;---------------------------- forrest@0: ; for observed forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_name = station(n)+"_ob" forrest@0: title = station(n)+"("+sprintf("%5.2f",lat_ob(n))+","+sprintf("%5.2f",lon_ob(n))+")" forrest@0: res@tiMainString = title forrest@0: forrest@0: wks = gsn_open_wks (plot_type,plot_name) forrest@0: plot=new(4,graphic) ; create graphic array forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data(0,:) = (/data_ob (n,0,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data@long_name = field(0) forrest@0: plot(0)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data(0,:),res) ; create plot 1 forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data(0,:) = (/data_ob (n,1,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data@long_name = field(1) forrest@0: plot(1)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data(0,:),res) ; create plot 2 forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data(0,:) = (/data_ob (n,2,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data@long_name = field(2) forrest@0: plot(2)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data(0,:),res) ; create plot 3 forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data(0,:) = (/data_ob (n,3,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data@long_name = field(3) forrest@0: plot(3)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data(0,:),res) ; create plot 4 forrest@0: forrest@0: gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,2/),pres) ; create panel plot forrest@0: forrest@0: system("convert "+plot_name+"."+plot_type+" "+plot_name+"."+plot_type_new) forrest@0: system("rm "+plot_name+"."+plot_type) forrest@0: clear (wks) forrest@0: delete (plot) forrest@0: ;---------------------------- forrest@0: ; for model_vs_ob forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_name = station(n)+"_model_vs_ob" forrest@0: title = station(n)+"("+sprintf("%5.2f",lat_ob(n))+","+sprintf("%5.2f",lon_ob(n))+")" forrest@0: res@tiMainString = title forrest@0: forrest@0: wks = gsn_open_wks (plot_type,plot_name) forrest@0: plot=new(4,graphic) ; create graphic array forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data(0,:) = (/data_ob (n,0,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data(1,:) = (/data_mod(n,0,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data@long_name = field(0) forrest@0: plot(0)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data,res) ; create plot 1 forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data(0,:) = (/data_ob (n,1,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data(1,:) = (/data_mod(n,1,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data@long_name = field(1) forrest@0: plot(1)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data,res) ; create plot 2 forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data(0,:) = (/data_ob (n,2,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data(1,:) = (/data_mod(n,2,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data@long_name = field(2) forrest@0: plot(2)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data,res) ; create plot 3 forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data(0,:) = (/data_ob (n,3,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data(1,:) = (/data_mod(n,3,:)/) forrest@0: plot_data@long_name = field(3) forrest@0: plot(3)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data,res) ; create plot 4 forrest@0: forrest@0: gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,2/),pres) ; create panel plot forrest@0: forrest@0: system("convert "+plot_name+"."+plot_type+" "+plot_name+"."+plot_type_new) forrest@0: system("rm "+plot_name+"."+plot_type) forrest@0: clear (wks) forrest@0: delete (plot) forrest@0: end do forrest@0: forrest@0: ;******************************************************************* forrest@0: ; for table of site score forrest@0: ;******************************************************************* forrest@0: forrest@0: table_length = 0.8 forrest@0: forrest@0: ; table header name forrest@0: table_header_name = "Site" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; column (not including header column) forrest@0: col_header = (/"Latitude","Longitude","observed" \ forrest@0: ,"CO2 Flux","Net Radiation","Latent Heat" \ forrest@0: ,"Sensible Heat","Average" \ forrest@0: /) forrest@0: ncol = dimsizes(col_header) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; row (not including header row) forrest@0: nrow = nstation + 1 forrest@0: row_header = new ((/nrow/),string ) forrest@0: row_header(0:nstation-1) = station(:) forrest@0: row_header(nrow-1) = "All Sites" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Table header forrest@0: ncr1 = (/1,1/) ; 1 row, 1 column forrest@0: x1 = (/0.005,0.15/) ; Start and end X forrest@0: y1 = (/0.800,0.895/) ; Start and end Y forrest@0: text1 = table_header_name forrest@0: res1 = True forrest@0: res1@txFontHeightF = 0.03 forrest@0: res1@gsFillColor = "CornFlowerBlue" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Column header (equally space in x2) forrest@0: ncr2 = (/1,ncol/) ; 1 rows, ncol columns forrest@0: x2 = (/x1(1),0.995/) ; start from end of x1 forrest@0: y2 = y1 ; same as y1 forrest@0: text2 = col_header forrest@0: res2 = True forrest@0: res2@txFontHeightF = 0.010 forrest@0: res2@gsFillColor = "Gray" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Row header (equally space in y2) forrest@0: ncr3 = (/nrow,1/) ; nrow rows, 1 columns forrest@0: x3 = x1 ; same as x1 forrest@0: y3 = (/1.0-table_length,y1(0)/) ; end at start of y1 forrest@0: text3 = row_header forrest@0: res3 = True forrest@0: res3@txFontHeightF = 0.010 forrest@0: res3@gsFillColor = "Gray" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Main table body forrest@0: ncr4 = (/nrow,ncol/) ; nrow rows, ncol columns forrest@0: x4 = x2 ; Start and end x forrest@0: y4 = y3 ; Start and end Y forrest@0: text4 = new((/nrow,ncol/),string) forrest@0: forrest@0: color_fill4 = new((/nrow,ncol/),string) forrest@0: color_fill4 = "white" forrest@0: color_fill4(:,ncol-1) = "grey" forrest@0: color_fill4(nrow-1,:) = "green" forrest@0: forrest@0: res4 = True ; Set up resource list forrest@0: ; res4@gsnDebug = True ; Useful to print NDC row,col values used. forrest@0: res4@txFontHeightF = 0.015 forrest@0: res4@gsFillColor = color_fill4 forrest@0: forrest@0: delete (color_fill4) forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; for table value forrest@0: forrest@0: do n = 0,nrow-2 forrest@0: text4(n,0) = sprintf("%5.2f", lat_ob(n)) forrest@0: text4(n,1) = sprintf("%5.2f", lon_ob(n)) forrest@0: text4(n,2) = year_ob(n) forrest@0: text4(n,3) = sprintf("%5.2f", M_score(n,0)) ; CO2 Flux forrest@0: text4(n,4) = sprintf("%5.2f", M_score(n,1)) ; Net Radiation forrest@0: text4(n,5) = sprintf("%5.2f", M_score(n,2)) ; Latent Heat forrest@0: text4(n,6) = sprintf("%5.2f", M_score(n,3)) ; Sensible Heat forrest@0: text4(n,7) = sprintf("%5.2f", avg(M_score(n,:))) ; avg all fields forrest@0: end do forrest@0: forrest@0: ; for the last row forrest@0: forrest@0: M_co2 = avg(M_score(:,0)) forrest@0: M_rad = avg(M_score(:,1)) forrest@0: M_lh = avg(M_score(:,2)) forrest@0: M_sh = avg(M_score(:,3)) forrest@0: M_all = M_co2+ M_rad +M_lh + M_sh forrest@0: forrest@0: text4(nrow-1,0) = "-" forrest@0: text4(nrow-1,1) = "-" forrest@0: text4(nrow-1,2) = "-" forrest@0: text4(nrow-1,3) = sprintf("%5.2f", M_co2) ; avg all sites forrest@0: text4(nrow-1,4) = sprintf("%5.2f", M_rad) ; avg all sites forrest@0: text4(nrow-1,5) = sprintf("%5.2f", M_lh ) ; avg all sites forrest@0: text4(nrow-1,6) = sprintf("%5.2f", M_sh ) ; avg all sites forrest@0: text4(nrow-1,7) = sprintf("%5.2f", M_all) ; avg all sites forrest@0: forrest@0: print (M_co2) forrest@0: print (M_rad) forrest@0: print (M_lh ) forrest@0: print (M_sh) forrest@0: print (M_all) forrest@0: forrest@0: M_energy_co2 = sprintf("%.2f", M_co2) forrest@0: system("sed s#M_energy_co2#"+M_energy_co2+"# table.html >") forrest@0: system("mv -f table.html") forrest@0: print (M_energy_co2) forrest@0: forrest@0: M_energy_rad = sprintf("%.2f", M_rad) forrest@0: system("sed s#M_energy_rad#"+M_energy_rad+"# table.html >") forrest@0: system("mv -f table.html") forrest@0: print (M_energy_rad) forrest@0: forrest@0: M_energy_lh = sprintf("%.2f", M_lh) forrest@0: system("sed s#M_energy_lh#"+M_energy_lh+"# table.html >") forrest@0: system("mv -f table.html") forrest@0: print (M_energy_lh) forrest@0: forrest@0: M_energy_sh = sprintf("%.2f", M_sh) forrest@0: system("sed s#M_energy_sh#"+M_energy_sh+"# table.html >") forrest@0: system("mv -f table.html") forrest@0: print (M_energy_sh) forrest@0: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_name = "table_site_score" forrest@0: forrest@0: wks = gsn_open_wks (plot_type,plot_name) forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------ forrest@0: ; for table title forrest@0: forrest@0: gRes = True forrest@0: gRes@txFontHeightF = 0.02 forrest@0: ; gRes@txAngleF = 90 forrest@0: forrest@0: title_text = "Model " + model_name + " M_Score" forrest@0: forrest@0: gsn_text_ndc(wks,title_text,0.50,0.95,gRes) forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------ forrest@0: forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr1,x1,y1,text1,res1) forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr2,x2,y2,text2,res2) forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr3,x3,y3,text3,res3) forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr4,x4,y4,text4,res4) forrest@0: forrest@0: frame(wks) forrest@0: forrest@0: system("convert "+plot_name+"."+plot_type+" "+plot_name+"."+plot_type_new) forrest@0: system("rm "+plot_name+"."+plot_type) forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: temp_name = "energy." + model_name forrest@0: system("mkdir -p " + temp_name) forrest@0: system("cp table.html " + temp_name) forrest@0: system("mv *.png " + temp_name) forrest@0: system("tar cf "+ temp_name +".tar " + temp_name) forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: forrest@0: end