forrest@0: ; *********************************************** forrest@0: ; using gsn_table for all forrest@0: ; combine 19.metric_plot.ncl and 24.lines.ncl forrest@0: ; *********************************************** forrest@0: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl.test" forrest@0: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl.test" forrest@0: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" forrest@0: ;load "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/clamp/co2/metrics_table.ncl" forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: begin forrest@0: forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: ; read model data forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: forrest@0: ; from command line inputs forrest@0: forrest@0: ;-------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; edit table.html of current model for movel1_vs_model2 forrest@0: forrest@0: if (isvar("compare")) then forrest@0: html_name2 = compare+"/table.html" forrest@0: html_new2 = html_name2 +".new" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; the following only needs to execute once forrest@0: ; system("sed 1,/model_nameA/s//"+model_name+"/ "+html_name2+" > "+html_new2+";"+ \ forrest@0: ; "mv -f "+html_new2+" "+html_name2+";"+ \ forrest@0: ; "sed 1,/model_nameB/s//"+model_name+"/ "+html_name2+" > "+html_new2+";"+ \ forrest@0: ; "mv -f "+html_new2+" "+html_name2+";"+ \ forrest@0: ; "sed s#"+modeln+"#"+model_name+"# "+html_name2+" > "+html_new2+";"+ \ forrest@0: ; "mv -f "+html_new2+" "+html_name2) forrest@0: end if forrest@0: forrest@0: ;------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; edit table.html for current model forrest@0: forrest@0: html_name = model_name+"/table.html" forrest@0: html_new = html_name +".new" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; the following only needs to execute once forrest@0: ; system("sed s#model_name#"+model_name+"# "+html_name+" > "+html_new+";"+ \ forrest@0: ; "mv -f "+html_new+" "+html_name) forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------ forrest@0: forrest@0: fm = addfile(dirm+film3,"r") forrest@0: forrest@0: x = fm->CO2 forrest@0: xi = fm->lon forrest@0: yi = fm->lat forrest@0: forrest@0: xdim = dimsizes(x) forrest@0: nlev = xdim(1) forrest@0: y = x(:,0,:,:) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; get co2 at the lowest level forrest@0: y = x(:,nlev-1,:,:) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; change to unit of observed (u mol/mol) forrest@0: ; Model_units [=] kgCO2 / kgDryAir forrest@0: ; 28.966 = molecular weight of dry air forrest@0: ; 44. = molecular weight of CO2 forrest@0: ; u mol = 1e-6 mol forrest@0: forrest@0: factor = (28.966/44.) * 1e6 forrest@0: y = y * factor forrest@0: forrest@0: y@_FillValue = 1.e36 forrest@0: y@units = "u mol/mol" forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: ; read data: observed forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: diri = "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/clamp_data/co2/ob/" forrest@0: fili = "" forrest@0: g = addfile (diri+fili,"r") forrest@0: val = g->CO2_SEAS forrest@0: lon = g->LON forrest@0: lat = g->LAT forrest@0: sta = chartostring(g->STATION) forrest@0: delete (g) forrest@0: forrest@0: ncase = dimsizes(lat) forrest@0: ;************************************************************** forrest@0: ; get only the lowest level at each station forrest@0: ;************************************************************** forrest@0: lat_tmp = lat forrest@0: lat_tmp@_FillValue = 1.e+36 forrest@0: forrest@0: do n = 0,ncase-1 forrest@0: if (.not. ismissing(lat_tmp(n))) then forrest@0: indexes = ind(lat(n) .eq. lat .and. lon(n) .eq. lon) forrest@0: if (dimsizes(indexes) .gt. 1) then forrest@0: lat_tmp(indexes(1:)) = lat_tmp@_FillValue forrest@0: end if forrest@0: delete (indexes) forrest@0: end if forrest@0: end do forrest@0: forrest@0: indexes = ind(.not. ismissing(lat_tmp)) forrest@0: forrest@0: lat_ob = lat(indexes) forrest@0: lon_ob = lon(indexes) forrest@0: val_ob = val(indexes,:) forrest@0: ;************************************************************ forrest@0: ; interpolate model data into observed station forrest@0: ; note: model is 0-360E, 90S-90N forrest@0: ;************************************************************ forrest@0: ; to be able to handle observation at (-89.98,-24.80) forrest@0: yi(0) = -90. forrest@0: forrest@0: i = ind(lon_ob .lt. 0.) forrest@0: lon_ob(i) = lon_ob(i) + 360. forrest@0: forrest@0: yo = linint2_points_Wrap(xi,yi,y,True,lon_ob,lat_ob,0) forrest@0: forrest@0: val_model = yo(pts|:,time|:) forrest@0: val_model_0 = val_model forrest@0: forrest@0: ; remove annual mean forrest@0: val_model = val_model - conform(val_model,dim_avg(val_model),0) forrest@0: forrest@0: nzone = 4 forrest@0: forrest@0: ;******************************************************************* forrest@0: ; for table -- zone forrest@0: ;******************************************************************* forrest@0: ; table header name forrest@0: table_header_name = "Zone" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; column (not including header column) forrest@0: col_header_zone = (/"Stations","Amplitude Ratio", \ forrest@0: "Correlation Coef","M score","Combined Score"/) forrest@0: ncol_zone = dimsizes(col_header_zone ) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; row (not including header row) forrest@0: row_header_zone = (/"60N-90N","30N-60N","EQ-30N","90S-EQ","Total"/) forrest@0: nrow_zone = dimsizes(row_header_zone) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; arrays to be passed to table. forrest@0: value_zone = new ((/nrow_zone, ncol_zone/),string ) forrest@0: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: forrest@0: table_length_zone = 0.4 forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Table header forrest@0: ncr1 = (/1,1/) ; 1 row, 1 column forrest@0: x1 = (/0.005,0.15/) ; Start and end X forrest@0: y1 = (/0.900,0.995/) ; Start and end Y forrest@0: text1 = table_header_name forrest@0: res1 = True forrest@0: res1@txFontHeightF = 0.03 forrest@0: res1@gsFillColor = "CornFlowerBlue" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Column header (equally space in x2) forrest@0: ncr2 = (/1,ncol_zone/) ; 1 rows, 5 columns forrest@0: x2 = (/x1(1),0.995/) ; start from end of x1 forrest@0: y2 = y1 ; same as y1 forrest@0: text2 = col_header_zone forrest@0: res2 = True forrest@0: res2@txFontHeightF = 0.015 forrest@0: res2@gsFillColor = "Gray" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Row header (equally space in y2) forrest@0: ncr3 = (/nrow_zone,1/) ; 5 rows, 1 columns forrest@0: x3 = x1 ; same as x1 forrest@0: y3 = (/1.0-table_length_zone,0.900/) ; end at start of y1 forrest@0: text3 = row_header_zone forrest@0: res3 = True forrest@0: res3@txFontHeightF = 0.02 forrest@0: res3@gsFillColor = "Gray" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Main table body forrest@0: ncr4 = (/nrow_zone,ncol_zone/) ; 5 rows, 5 columns forrest@0: x4 = x2 ; Start and end x forrest@0: y4 = y3 ; Start and end Y forrest@0: text4 = new((/nrow_zone,ncol_zone/),string) forrest@0: forrest@0: color_fill4 = new((/nrow_zone,ncol_zone/),string) forrest@0: color_fill4 = "white" forrest@0: color_fill4(:,ncol_zone-1) = "grey" forrest@0: forrest@0: res4 = True ; Set up resource list forrest@0: ; res4@gsnDebug = True ; Useful to print NDC row,col values used. forrest@0: res4@txFontHeightF = 0.02 forrest@0: res4@gsFillColor = color_fill4 forrest@0: forrest@0: delete (color_fill4) forrest@0: forrest@0: ;******************************************************************* forrest@0: ; for table -- station forrest@0: ;******************************************************************* forrest@0: ; column (not including header column) forrest@0: col_header_sta = (/"Latitude","Longitude","Amplitude Ratio", \ forrest@0: "Correlation Coef","M score","Combined Score"/) forrest@0: ncol_sta = dimsizes(col_header_sta ) forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Table header forrest@0: ncr5 = (/1,1/) ; 1 row, 1 column forrest@0: x5 = (/0.005,0.15/) ; Start and end X forrest@0: y5 = (/0.900,0.995/) ; Start and end Y forrest@0: res5 = True forrest@0: res5@txFontHeightF = 0.02 forrest@0: res5@gsFillColor = "CornFlowerBlue" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Column header (equally space in x2) forrest@0: ncr6 = (/1,ncol_sta/) ; 1 rows, 5 columns forrest@0: x6 = (/x5(1),0.995/) ; start from end of x1 forrest@0: y6 = y5 ; same as y1 forrest@0: text6 = col_header_sta forrest@0: res6 = True forrest@0: res6@txFontHeightF = 0.012 forrest@0: res6@gsFillColor = "Gray" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Row header (equally space in y2) forrest@0: forrest@0: res7 = True forrest@0: res7@txFontHeightF = 0.015 forrest@0: res7@gsFillColor = "Gray" forrest@0: ;-------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; for station line plot forrest@0: forrest@0: ; for x-axis in xyplot forrest@0: mon = ispan(1,12,1) forrest@0: mon@long_name = "month" forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_type = "ps" forrest@0: plot_type_new = "png" forrest@0: forrest@0: res = True ; plot mods desired forrest@0: res@xyLineThicknesses = (/2.0,2.0,2.0/) ; make 2nd lines thicker forrest@0: res@xyLineColors = (/"red","black"/) ; change line color forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Add a boxed legend using the more simple method forrest@0: forrest@0: res@pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always" forrest@0: ; res@pmLegendWidthF = 0.1 forrest@0: res@pmLegendWidthF = 0.08 forrest@0: res@pmLegendHeightF = 0.06 forrest@0: ; res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -1.17 forrest@0: ; res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -1.00 ;(downward) forrest@0: res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.30 ;(downward) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; res@pmLegendParallelPosF = 0.18 forrest@0: res@pmLegendParallelPosF = 0.23 ;(rightward) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; res@lgPerimOn = False forrest@0: res@lgLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 forrest@0: res@xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"b30.061n","observed"/) forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: forrest@0: do z = 0,nzone-1 forrest@0: forrest@0: if (z .eq. 0) then forrest@0: ; maximum score for the zone, 60N-90N forrest@0: zone = "60N-90N" forrest@0: score_max = 5.0 forrest@0: ; index of stations in this zone forrest@0: ind_z = ind(lat_ob .ge. 60.) forrest@0: end if forrest@0: forrest@0: if (z .eq. 1) then forrest@0: ; maximum score for the zone, 30N-60N forrest@0: zone = "30N-60N" forrest@0: score_max = 5.0 forrest@0: ; index of stations in this zone forrest@0: ind_z = ind(lat_ob .ge. 30. .and. lat_ob .lt. 60.) forrest@0: end if forrest@0: forrest@0: if (z .eq. 2) then forrest@0: ; maximum score for the zone, EQ-30N forrest@0: zone = "EQ-30N" forrest@0: score_max = 5.0 forrest@0: ; index of stations in this zone forrest@0: ind_z = ind(lat_ob .ge. 0. .and. lat_ob .lt. 30.) forrest@0: end if forrest@0: forrest@0: if (z .eq. 3) then forrest@0: ; maximum score for the zone, 90S-EQ forrest@0: zone = "90S-EQ" forrest@0: score_max = 5.0 forrest@0: ; index of stations in this zone forrest@0: ind_z = ind(lat_ob .lt. 0. ) forrest@0: end if forrest@0: forrest@0: npts = dimsizes(ind_z) forrest@0: forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; for metric table computation forrest@0: forrest@0: amp_ob = new((/npts/),float) forrest@0: amp_model = new((/npts/),float) forrest@0: forrest@0: amp_ratio_sta = new((/npts/),float) forrest@0: ccr_sta = new((/npts/),float) forrest@0: M_sta = new((/npts/),float) forrest@0: score_sta = new((/npts/),float) forrest@0: forrest@0: ;---------------------- forrest@0: ; for table -- station forrest@0: ;---------------------- forrest@0: forrest@0: ; row (not including header row) forrest@0: nrow_sta = npts forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Table header forrest@0: ncr5 = (/1,1/) ; 1 row, 1 column forrest@0: x5 = (/0.005,0.15/) ; Start and end X forrest@0: y5 = (/0.900,0.995/) ; Start and end Y forrest@0: res5 = True forrest@0: res5@txFontHeightF = 0.02 forrest@0: res5@gsFillColor = "CornFlowerBlue" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Column header (equally space in x2) forrest@0: ncr6 = (/1,ncol_sta/) ; 1 rows, 5 columns forrest@0: x6 = (/x1(1),0.995/) ; start from end of x1 forrest@0: y6 = y1 ; same as y1 forrest@0: text6 = col_header_sta forrest@0: res6 = True forrest@0: res6@txFontHeightF = 0.012 forrest@0: res6@gsFillColor = "Gray" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Row header (equally space in y2) forrest@0: ncr7 = (/nrow_sta,1/) ; 5 rows, 1 columns forrest@0: x7 = x1 ; same as x1 forrest@0: ; y7 = (/1.0-table_length_sta,0.900/) ; end at start of y1 forrest@0: text7 = new((/nrow_sta/),string) forrest@0: res7 = True forrest@0: res7@txFontHeightF = 0.015 forrest@0: res7@gsFillColor = "Gray" forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; for station line plot forrest@0: forrest@0: npts_str = "" forrest@0: npts_str = npts forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data = new((/2,12,npts/),float) forrest@0: plot_data_0 = new((/12,npts/),float) forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data!0 = "case" forrest@0: plot_data!1 = "month" forrest@0: plot_data!2 = "pts" forrest@0: plot_data@long_name = "CO2 Seasonal" forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data_0!0 = "month" forrest@0: plot_data_0!1 = "pts" forrest@0: plot_data_0@long_name = "CO2" forrest@0: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: do n=0,npts-1 forrest@0: amp_ob(n) = max(val_ob(ind_z(n),:)) - min(val_ob(ind_z(n),:)) forrest@0: amp_model(n) = max(val_model(ind_z(n),:)) - min(val_model(ind_z(n),:)) forrest@0: forrest@0: amp_ratio_sta(n) = amp_model(n)/amp_ob(n) forrest@0: ccr_sta(n) = esccr(val_ob(ind_z(n),:),val_model(ind_z(n),:),0) forrest@0: M_sta(n) = 1.-abs(amp_ratio_sta(n)-1.) forrest@0: score_sta(n) = (ccr_sta(n)*ccr_sta(n) + M_sta(n))*0.5 * score_max forrest@0: forrest@0: ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; for station line plot forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data(0,:,n) = (/val_model(ind_z(n),:)/) forrest@0: plot_data(1,:,n) = (/val_ob(ind_z(n),:)/) forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_data_0(:,n) = (/val_model_0(ind_z(n),:)/) forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_name = sta(ind_z(n)) forrest@0: title = plot_name+"("+lat(ind_z(n))+","+lon(ind_z(n))+")" forrest@0: forrest@0: wks = gsn_open_wks (plot_type,plot_name) ; open workstation forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------ forrest@0: ; for panel plot forrest@0: forrest@0: plot=new(2,graphic) ; create graphic array forrest@0: res@gsnFrame = False ; Do not draw plot forrest@0: res@gsnDraw = False ; Do not advance frame forrest@0: forrest@0: pres = True ; panel plot mods desired forrest@0: pres@gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5 ; increase white space around forrest@0: ; indiv. plots in panel forrest@0: pres@gsnMaximize = True ; fill the page forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------ forrest@0: res@tiMainString = title ; add title forrest@0: forrest@0: plot(0)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data(:,:,n),res) ; create plot 1 forrest@0: forrest@0: plot(1)=gsn_csm_xy(wks,mon,plot_data_0(:,n),res) ; create plot 2 forrest@0: forrest@0: gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,1/),pres) ; create panel plot forrest@0: forrest@0: system("convert "+plot_name+"."+plot_type+" "+plot_name+"."+plot_type_new) forrest@0: system("rm "+plot_name+"."+plot_type) forrest@0: forrest@0: clear (wks) forrest@0: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: end do forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; for line plot in a zone forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_name = "All_"+npts_str forrest@0: title = plot_name + " in "+ zone forrest@0: forrest@0: wks = gsn_open_wks (plot_type,plot_name) ; open workstation forrest@0: ;----------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; for panel plot forrest@0: forrest@0: plot=new(2,graphic) ; create graphic array forrest@0: res@gsnFrame = False ; Do not draw plot forrest@0: res@gsnDraw = False ; Do not advance frame forrest@0: forrest@0: pres = True ; panel plot mods desired forrest@0: pres@gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5 ; increase white space around forrest@0: ; indiv. plots in panel forrest@0: pres@gsnMaximize = True ; fill the page forrest@0: ;----------------------------------------- forrest@0: res@tiMainString = title ; add title forrest@0: forrest@0: plot(0) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,mon,dim_avg_Wrap(plot_data),res) ; create plot 1 forrest@0: forrest@0: plot(1) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,mon,dim_avg_Wrap(plot_data_0),res) ; create plot 2 forrest@0: forrest@0: gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,1/),pres) ; create panel plot forrest@0: forrest@0: system("convert "+plot_name+"."+plot_type+" "+plot_name+"."+plot_type_new) forrest@0: system("rm "+plot_name+"."+plot_type) forrest@0: forrest@0: clear (wks) forrest@0: ; delete (ind_z) forrest@0: delete (plot_data) forrest@0: delete (plot_data_0) forrest@0: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; for zone table value forrest@0: forrest@0: amp_ratio_zone = avg(amp_ratio_sta) forrest@0: ccr_zone = avg(ccr_sta) forrest@0: M_zone = 1.- (sum(abs(amp_model-amp_ob)/(amp_model+amp_ob))/npts) forrest@0: score_zone = (ccr_zone*ccr_zone + M_zone)*0.5 * score_max forrest@0: forrest@0: text4(z,0) = sprintf("%5.2f", npts) forrest@0: text4(z,1) = sprintf("%5.2f", amp_ratio_zone) forrest@0: text4(z,2) = sprintf("%5.2f", ccr_zone) forrest@0: text4(z,3) = sprintf("%5.2f", M_zone) forrest@0: text4(z,4) = sprintf("%5.2f", score_zone) forrest@0: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; plot station table forrest@0: ;---------------------------------- forrest@0: ; header value for station table forrest@0: text5 = zone forrest@0: forrest@0: ; row value for station table forrest@0: text7 = sta(ind_z) forrest@0: forrest@0: if (z .eq. 0) then forrest@0: table_length_sta = 0.5 forrest@0: end if forrest@0: if (z .eq. 1) then forrest@0: table_length_sta = 0.995 forrest@0: end if forrest@0: if (z .eq. 2) then forrest@0: table_length_sta = 0.8 forrest@0: end if forrest@0: if (z .eq. 3) then forrest@0: table_length_sta = 0.8 forrest@0: end if forrest@0: forrest@0: x7 = x5 forrest@0: y7 = (/1.0-table_length_sta,0.900/) ; end at start of y1 forrest@0: forrest@0: ; Main table body forrest@0: ncr8 = (/nrow_sta,ncol_sta/) ; 5 rows, 5 columns forrest@0: x8 = x6 ; Start and end x forrest@0: y8 = y7 ; Start and end Y forrest@0: text8 = new((/nrow_sta,ncol_sta/),string) forrest@0: forrest@0: color_fill8 = text8 forrest@0: color_fill8 = "white" forrest@0: color_fill8(:,ncol_sta-1) = "grey" forrest@0: forrest@0: res8 = True ; Set up resource list forrest@0: ; res8@gsnDebug = True ; Useful to print NDC row,col values used. forrest@0: res8@txFontHeightF = 0.02 forrest@0: res8@gsFillColor = color_fill8 forrest@0: forrest@0: delete (color_fill8) forrest@0: forrest@0: ; table value for station table forrest@0: text8(:,0) = sprintf("%5.2f", (/lat(ind_z)/)) forrest@0: text8(:,1) = sprintf("%5.2f", (/lon(ind_z)/)) forrest@0: text8(:,2) = sprintf("%5.2f", (/amp_ratio_sta/)) forrest@0: text8(:,3) = sprintf("%5.2f", (/ccr_sta/)) forrest@0: text8(:,4) = sprintf("%5.2f", (/M_sta/)) forrest@0: text8(:,5) = sprintf("%5.2f", (/score_sta/)) forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_name = "table_sta." + zone forrest@0: forrest@0: wks = gsn_open_wks (plot_type,plot_name) ; open workstation forrest@0: forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr5,x5,y5,text5,res5) forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr6,x6,y6,text6,res6) forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr7,x7,y7,text7,res7) forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr8,x8,y8,text8,res8) forrest@0: forrest@0: frame(wks) forrest@0: forrest@0: system("convert "+plot_name+"."+plot_type+" "+plot_name+"."+plot_type_new) forrest@0: system("rm "+plot_name+"."+plot_type) forrest@0: forrest@0: delete (ind_z) forrest@0: delete (amp_model) forrest@0: delete (amp_ob) forrest@0: delete (amp_ratio_sta) forrest@0: delete (ccr_sta) forrest@0: delete (M_sta) forrest@0: delete (score_sta) forrest@0: delete (text7) forrest@0: delete (text8) forrest@0: delete (res7) forrest@0: delete (res8) forrest@0: clear (wks) forrest@0: end do forrest@0: ;************************************************** forrest@0: ; plot zone table forrest@0: ;************************************************** forrest@0: forrest@0: text4(4,0) = sum(stringtofloat(text4(0:3,0))) forrest@0: text4(4,1) = 0. forrest@0: text4(4,2) = 0. forrest@0: text4(4,3) = 0. forrest@0: text4(4,4) = sum(stringtofloat(text4(0:3,4))) forrest@0: forrest@0: plot_name = "table_zone" forrest@0: wks = gsn_open_wks (plot_type,plot_name) ; open workstation forrest@0: forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr1,x1,y1,text1,res1) forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr2,x2,y2,text2,res2) forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr3,x3,y3,text3,res3) forrest@0: gsn_table(wks,ncr4,x4,y4,text4,res4) forrest@0: forrest@0: frame(wks) forrest@0: forrest@0: system("convert "+plot_name+"."+plot_type+" "+plot_name+"."+plot_type_new) forrest@0: system("rm "+plot_name+"."+plot_type) forrest@0: forrest@0: M_co2 = text4(4,4) forrest@0: forrest@0: if (isvar("compare")) then forrest@0: system("sed 1,/M_co2/s//"+M_co2+"/ "+html_name2+" > "+html_new2+";"+ \ forrest@0: "mv -f "+html_new2+" "+html_name2) forrest@0: end if forrest@0: forrest@0: system("sed s#M_co2#"+M_co2+"# "+html_name+" > "+html_new+";"+ \ forrest@0: "mv -f "+html_new+" "+html_name) forrest@0: ;*************************************************************************** forrest@0: ; output plots forrest@0: ;*************************************************************************** forrest@0: output_dir = model_name+"/co2" forrest@0: forrest@0: system("mv *.png " + output_dir) forrest@0: ;*************************************************************************** forrest@0: end