forrest@0: ;--------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: ; convert from 1x1 to T31/T42 forrest@0: ; forrest@0: ; use model T31/T42 lat and lon forrest@0: ; output model area, too. forrest@0: ; forrest@0: ;------------------------------------------------------------- forrest@0: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" forrest@0: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" forrest@0: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" forrest@0: undef("copyatt") forrest@0: load "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/ncl/remap_areaave.ncl" forrest@0: begin forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: ; output data forrest@0: ;************************************************ forrest@0: diro = "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/fire_data/ob/GFEDv2_C/" forrest@0: filo = "" forrest@0: c = addfile(diro+filo,"c") forrest@0: filedimdef(c,"year",-1,True) forrest@0: forrest@0: ;****************************************************** forrest@0: ; input grid: 1deg x 1deg, N->S, 180W-180E forrest@0: ;****************************************************** forrest@0: diri = "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/fire_data/ob/GFEDv2_C/" forrest@0: fili = "" forrest@0: g = addfile (diri+fili,"r") forrest@0: bi = g->FIRE_C forrest@0: xi = g->lon forrest@0: yi = g->lat forrest@0: forrest@0: dsizes = dimsizes(bi) forrest@0: nyear = dsizes(0) forrest@0: nmonth = dsizes(1) forrest@0: nlatx = dsizes(2) forrest@0: nlonx = dsizes(3) forrest@0: forrest@0: ;=================================================== forrest@0: ; change from 180W-180E, 90N-90S to 0-360E, 90S-90N forrest@0: ;=================================================== forrest@0: forrest@0: yi = (/ yi(::-1) /) forrest@0: bi = (/ bi(:,:,::-1,:) /) forrest@0: forrest@0: b2 = bi forrest@0: x2 = xi forrest@0: forrest@0: do i= 0,nlonx-1 forrest@0: if (i .lt. 180) then forrest@0: p = i + 180 forrest@0: xi(p) = x2(i) + 360. forrest@0: else forrest@0: p = i - 180 forrest@0: xi(p) = x2(i) forrest@0: end if forrest@0: bi(:,:,:,p)= b2(:,:,:,i) forrest@0: end do forrest@0: forrest@0: bi&lat = yi forrest@0: bi&lon = xi forrest@0: forrest@0: print (xi) forrest@0: print (yi) forrest@0: forrest@0: ;================================================== forrest@0: ; edges forrest@0: ;================================================== forrest@0: forrest@0: xi_edge = fspan(0.0, 360.0, nlonx+1) forrest@0: xi_edge@units = "degrees_east" forrest@0: yi_edge = fspan(-90.0, 90.0, nlatx+1) forrest@0: yi_edge@units = "degrees_north" forrest@0: forrest@0: ;================================================== forrest@0: ; area forrest@0: ;================================================== forrest@0: forrest@0: deg2rad = 4.0*atan(1.0)/180.0 forrest@0: earth_rad = 6.37122e6 forrest@0: dx = earth_rad * deg2rad * (xi_edge(1)-xi_edge(0)) forrest@0: dsin = sin(deg2rad*yi_edge(1:180)) - sin(deg2rad*yi_edge(0:179)) forrest@0: area_in = new((/ nlatx, nlonx /), float) forrest@0: area_in = conform(area_in, earth_rad*dx*dsin,0) forrest@0: area_in@units = "m^2" forrest@0: forrest@0: ;************************************************************** forrest@0: ; output grid: (0-360), (90S-90N) forrest@0: ;************************************************************** forrest@0: ; interpolate into model T31/T42, using model lat and lon forrest@0: forrest@0: diri = "/fis/cgd/cseg/people/jeff/surface_data/" forrest@0: fili = "" forrest@0: b = addfile(diri+fili,"r") forrest@0: forrest@0: yo = b->lat forrest@0: xo = b->lon forrest@0: nlat = dimsizes(yo) forrest@0: nlon = dimsizes(xo) forrest@0: forrest@0: xo_edge = fspan(0.0, 360.0, nlon+1) - 0.5*360.0/nlon forrest@0: xo_edge@units = "degrees_east" forrest@0: forrest@0: yo_edge = new(nlat+1, float) forrest@0: gau_info = gaus(nlat/2) forrest@0: yo_edge(0) = -90.0 forrest@0: yo_edge(1:nlat-1) = doubletofloat(0.5*(gau_info(0:nlat-2,0)+gau_info(1:nlat-1,0))) forrest@0: yo_edge(nlat) = 90.0 forrest@0: yo_edge@units = "degrees_north" forrest@0: forrest@0: ; yo = 0.5*(yo_edge(0:nlat-1) + yo_edge(1:nlat)) forrest@0: ; yo@units = yo_edge@units forrest@0: ; xo = 0.5*(xo_edge(0:nlon-1) + xo_edge(1:nlon)) forrest@0: ; xo@units = xo_edge@units forrest@0: forrest@0: ;=================================================== forrest@0: ; output forrest@0: ;=================================================== forrest@0: forrest@0: w = new((/nyear,nmonth,nlat,nlon/),float) forrest@0: forrest@0: do m = 0,nyear-1 forrest@0: do n = 0,nmonth-1 forrest@0: w(m,n,:,:) = remap_areaave(xi_edge, yi_edge, bi(m,n,:,:), xo_edge, yo_edge) forrest@0: end do forrest@0: end do forrest@0: forrest@0: w!0 = "year" forrest@0: w!1 = "month" forrest@0: w!2 = "lat" forrest@0: w&lat = yo forrest@0: w!3 = "lon" forrest@0: w&lon = xo forrest@0: w@units = bi@units forrest@0: w@long_name = bi@long_name forrest@0: w@_FillValue = bi@_FillValue forrest@0: forrest@0: c->FIRE_C = w forrest@0: c->date = g->date forrest@0: c->area = b->area forrest@0: forrest@0: end