Replaced EMDI Class A NPP 81 observational data with new revision from ORNL DAAC
The original EMDI Class A NPP 81 data provided by the ORNL DAAC contained
error as follows:
from Cook, Robert B. <>
Forrest Hoffman <>,
"Hoffman, Forrest M." <>
cc "Hook, Leslie A." <>,
date Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:48 AM
subject revised EMDI data: please use this version
10/31/08 [NPP_EMDI_R1_20081028.html,EMDI_ClassA_NPP_81_R1.csv]
Hi Jim and Forrest,
We recently found out that the data we sent to you two years ago for
use in your model-data intercomparison activity has some problems.
One of our users discovered problems with the TNPP data for Class
A site tropical forest biomes. For a description of the problem
and what we've done to correct it are in the attached html file.
The attached csv file has the correct values. Please remove the
old file / data and use the new file.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. We understand
that you have a paper in press that uses these data. Sorry about
I am sending this note to you before we formally make the change
on our Web site, because you have a paper in press. When we place
the revision on our Web site, we will update the data set citation
and DOI.
Olson, R. J., J. M. O. Scurlock, S. D. Prince, D. L. Zheng,
and K. R. Johnson (eds.). 2008. NPP Multi-Biome: NPP and Driver
Data for Ecosystem Model-Data Intercomparison, R[evision]1. Data
set. Available on-line [] from the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/xxx
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks Bob
On Jan 26, 2009, I moved the original data.81 file to data.81.rev0.bad and to Then I copied the file provided by the
ORNL DAAC, called EMDI_ClassA_NPP_81_R1.csv, to data.81 and re-generated using the NCL script clamp/npp/01.read_ascii_81.ncl
Forrest Hoffman
Mon Jan 26 23:23:46 EST 2009
2 ARM_Oklahoma: 36.605 -97.4884
4 ARM_Oklahoma_burn: 35.54974 -98.04023
6 ARM_Oklahoma_control: 35.54649 -98.04006
8 Atqasuk: 70.46961 -157.4089
10 Audubon: 31.59073 -110.5104
12 AustinCary: 29.73807 -82.21877
14 Bartlett: 44.06464 -71.28808
16 Bondville: 40.0061 -88.29187
18 Brookings: 44.34529 -96.83617
20 Donaldson: 29.75477 -82.16328
22 Duke_Forest_Hardwoods: 35.9735823 -79.1004304
24 Duke_Forest_Open_Field: 35.9712024 -79.0933759
26 Duke_Forest_Pine: 35.9781659 -79.0941956
28 Fermi_Ag: 41.8593 -88.22273
30 Fermi_Prairie: 41.84062 -88.24103
32 Flagstaff_Managed: 35.13333 -111.7275
34 Flagstaff_Unmanaged: 35.08973 -111.7625
36 Flagstaff_Wildfire: 35.44557 -111.7718
38 FortPeck: 48.30788 -105.10005
40 FreemanRanch_mesquite: 29.94949 -97.99623
42 Goodwin_Creek: 34.25 -89.97
44 HarvardForest: 42.53776 -72.17148
46 HarvardForestHemlock: 42.53933 -72.17794
48 HowlandForestMain: 45.20407 -68.74028
50 HowlandForestWest: 45.20912 -68.747
52 Ivotuk: 68.48647 -155.7503
54 KendallGrasslands: 31.73653 -109.9419
56 KennedySpaceCenterPine: 28.4583 -80.6709
58 KennedySpaceCenterScrub: 28.60858 -80.67153
60 LittleProspect: 42.54186 -72.18496
62 LostCreek: 46.08268 -89.97919
64 Mead-irrigated: 41.16506 -96.47664
66 Mead-irrigated-rotation: 41.16487 -96.4701
68 Mead-rainfed: 41.17967 -96.43965
70 Metolius_2nd_YoungPonderosaPine: 44.31569 -121.6079
72 MetoliusEyerly: 44.57944 -121.5001
74 MetoliusIntermediatePine: 44.45243 -121.5572
76 MetoliusOldPonderosaPine: 44.49917 -121.6224
78 MissouriOzark: 38.74411 -92.20001
80 Mize: 29.7648 -82.24482
82 MorganMonroe: 39.32315 -86.41314
84 NiwotRidge: 40.03288 -105.5464
86 NorthCarolina_cc: 35.81147 -76.71147
88 NorthCarolina_lp: 35.8031 -76.66791
90 ParkFalls: 45.94588 -90.2723
92 Rayonier: 29.80282 -82.20315
94 SantaRita: 31.82143 -110.8661
96 SkyOaks_Old: 33.37389 -116.6229
98 SkyOaks_PostFire: 33.3844 -116.6403
100 SkyOaks_Young: 33.37719 -116.6227
102 SylvaniaWilderness: 46.24202 -89.34765
104 Toledo: 41.55454 -83.84376
106 Tonzi: 38.4316 -120.966
108 UCI_1850: 55.87917 -98.48389
110 UCI_1930: 55.90583 -98.52472
112 UCI_1964: 55.91167 -98.38222
114 UCI_1964wet: 55.91167 -98.38222
116 UCI_1981: 55.86306 -98.485
118 UCI_1989: 55.91667 -98.96444
120 UCI_1998: 56.63583 -99.94883
122 UMBS: 45.55984 -84.71382
124 Vaira: 38.40667 -120.9507
126 WalkerBranch: 35.95877 -84.28743
128 WillowCreek: 45.80593 -90.07986
130 WindRiver: 45.82049 -121.9519
132 Wisconsin_ihw: 46.73047 -91.23294
134 Wisconsin_irp: 46.68689 -91.15283
136 Wisconsin_mrp: 46.73933 -91.16625
138 Wisconsin_myjp: 46.65308 -91.08581
140 Wisconsin_pb: 46.62489 -91.29822
142 Wisconsin_rpcc: 46.64911 -91.06928
144 Wisconsin_yhw: 46.72233 -91.25242
146 Wisconsin_yjp: 46.61878 -91.08144
148 Wisconsin_yrp: 46.61878 -91.08144