forrest@2: ; *********************************************** forrest@2: ; interpolate into model grids (T31) forrest@2: ; *********************************************** forrest@2: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" forrest@2: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" forrest@2: load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" forrest@2: ;************************************************ forrest@2: begin forrest@2: ;************************************************ forrest@2: ; output data forrest@2: ;************************************************ forrest@2: diro = "" forrest@2: filo = "" forrest@2: c = addfile(diro+filo,"c") forrest@2: forrest@2: ;************************************************ forrest@2: ; read in observed data forrest@2: ;************************************************ forrest@2: diri = "" forrest@2: fili = "" forrest@2: g = addfile (diri+fili,"r") forrest@2: bi = g->NPP forrest@2: xi = g->lon forrest@2: yi = g->lat forrest@2: forrest@2: ;************************************************ forrest@2: ; change into 0-360E, 90S-90N forrest@2: ; Observed NPP*scale_factor forrest@2: ;************************************************ forrest@2: forrest@2: ;scale_factor = 0.1 forrest@2: ; FMH : Now the scaling occurs in the previous routine the writes out the mean forrest@2: ; netCDF file, so don't scale again here. forrest@2: scale_factor = 1. forrest@2: forrest@2: yi = (/ yi(::-1) /) forrest@2: bi = (/ bi(::-1,:) /) forrest@2: b2 = bi forrest@2: x2 = xi forrest@2: forrest@2: nx = dimsizes(xi) forrest@2: do i= 0,nx-1 forrest@2: if (i .lt. 3600) then forrest@2: p = i + 3600 forrest@2: xi(p) = x2(i) + 360. forrest@2: else forrest@2: p = i - 3600 forrest@2: xi(p) = x2(i) forrest@2: end if forrest@2: bi(:,p)= b2(:,i) * scale_factor forrest@2: end do forrest@2: forrest@2: bi&lat = yi forrest@2: bi&lon = xi forrest@2: forrest@2: ;print (xi) forrest@2: ;print (yi) forrest@2: ;exit forrest@2: forrest@2: ;************************************************ forrest@2: ; read in model data forrest@2: ;************************************************ forrest@2: ;fili2 = "" forrest@2: diri = "../../model/" forrest@2: fili2 = "" forrest@2: f = addfile (diri+fili2,"r") forrest@2: forrest@2: lon = f->lon forrest@2: lat = f->lat forrest@2: nlon = dimsizes(lon) forrest@2: nlat = dimsizes(lat) forrest@2: forrest@2: ; print (xi) forrest@2: ; print (yi) forrest@2: ; print (xo) forrest@2: ; print (yo) forrest@2: forrest@2: ;(A) forrest@2: ;bo = linint2_Wrap(xi,yi,bi,True,xo,yo,0) forrest@2: forrest@2: ;(B) forrest@2: forrest@2: rad = 4.*atan(1.)/180. forrest@2: clat = lat forrest@2: clat = cos(lat*rad) forrest@2: clat@long_name = "cos(latitude)" forrest@2: delete(clat@units) forrest@2: printVarSummary(clat) forrest@2: forrest@2: bo = new((/nlat,nlon/),float) forrest@2: do j=0,nlat-1 forrest@2: if (j.eq.0 .or. j.eq.nlat-1) then forrest@2: if (j.eq.0) then forrest@2: LATS = -90. forrest@2: LATN = lat(j)+0.5*(lat(j+1)-lat(j)) forrest@2: end if forrest@2: if (j.eq.nlat-1) then forrest@2: LATS = lat(j)-0.5*(lat(j)-lat(j-1)) forrest@2: LATN = 90. forrest@2: end if forrest@2: else forrest@2: LATS = lat(j)-0.5*(lat(j)-lat(j-1)) forrest@2: LATN = lat(j)+0.5*(lat(j+1)-lat(j)) forrest@2: end if forrest@2: forrest@2: ; CLAT = clat({LATS:LATN}) ; do once for *slight* efficiency forrest@2: ; TEMP = bi({LATS:LATN},:) ; 2D [lat,lon] forrest@2: forrest@2: do i=0,nlon-1 forrest@2: if (i.eq.0 .or. i.eq.nlon-1) then forrest@2: if (i.eq.0) then forrest@2: LONL = 0. forrest@2: LONR = lon(i)+0.5*(lon(i+1)-lon(i)) forrest@2: end if forrest@2: if (i.eq.nlon-1) then forrest@2: LONL = lon(i)-0.5*(lon(i)-lon(i-1)) forrest@2: LONR = 360. forrest@2: end if forrest@2: else forrest@2: LONL = lon(i)-0.5*(lon(i)-lon(i-1)) forrest@2: LONR = lon(i)+0.5*(lon(i+1)-lon(i)) forrest@2: end if forrest@2: forrest@2: ;print (LATS) forrest@2: ;print (LATN) forrest@2: ;print (LONL) forrest@2: ;print (LONR) forrest@2: bo(j,i) = avg(bi({LATS:LATN},{LONL:LONR})) forrest@2: ; bo(j,i) = wgt_areaave(TEMP(:,{LONL:LONR}), CLAT, 1.0, 0) forrest@2: end do forrest@2: forrest@2: ; delete(CLAT) forrest@2: ; delete(TEMP) forrest@2: end do forrest@2: forrest@2: bo!0 = "lat" forrest@2: bo!1 = "lon" forrest@2: bo&lat = lat forrest@2: bo&lon = lon forrest@2: bo@units = bi@units forrest@2: bo@long_name = bi@long_name forrest@2: ; bo@_FillValue = bi@_FillValue forrest@2: bo@_FillValue = 1.e+36 forrest@2: forrest@2: c->NPP = bo forrest@2: end