In order to reach even finer spatial and temporal scales, a
process-based modeling approach is used. The NCAR/PSU MM5 Mesoscale
Meteorology model was modified to utilize CCM output as boundary
conditions for the region(s) of interest. The continental U.S.,
the southeastern U.S., and the Appalachian region are modeled in
a nested grid configuration at resolutions of 27 km, 9 km, and 3 km
At this scale, effects of orography and vegetation can be observed
and they are modeled explicitly. Moreover, projections can be made
for individual weather events or climate conditions on relatively short
time scales.
In the figure at left, ground temperature and wind vectors for
domain 3 of the simulation are shown for Sept. 1, 1979, at 16:01:12
GMT. The variation in wind speed and direction around the Appalachian
mountains, on a scale unresolvable by traditional GCMs, is computed by
the MM5 model which uses CCM results as boundary conditions.