TITLE:Incorporating 3-D Subsurface Hydrologic Processes within the Community Land Surface Model (CLM): Coupling PFLOTRAN and CLM
SESSION TITLE: H41C. Developing the Science for High Resolution Water Energy Biogeochemical Cycle Modeling II Posters
AUTHORS: Gautam Bisht1, Richard T. Mills1, Forrest M. Hoffman1, Peter E. Thornton1, Peter C. Lichtner2, Glenn E. Hammond3
1Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, United States.
2Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States.
3Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States.
ABSTRACT BODY: Numerous studies have shown a positive soil moisture-rainfall feedback through observational data, as well as, modeling studies. Spatial variability of topography, soils, and vegetation play a significant role in determining the response of land surface states (soil moisture) and fluxes (runoff, evapotranspirtiaon); but their explicit accounting within Land Surface Models (LSMs) is computationally expensive. Additionally, anthropogenic climate change is altering the hydrologic cycle at global and regional scales. Characterizing the sensitivity of groundwater recharge is critical for understanding the effects of climate change on water resources. In order to explicitly represent lateral redistribution of soil moisture and unified treatment of the unsaturated-saturated zone in the subsurface within the CLM, we propose coupling PFLOTRAN and CLM.
PFLOTRAN is a parallel multiphase-multicomponent subsurface reactive flow and transport code for modeling subsurface processes and has been developed under a DOE SciDAC-2 project. PFLOTRAN is written in Fortran 90 using a modular, object-oriented approach. PFLOTRAN utilizes fully implicit time-stepping and is built on top of the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc). The PFLOTRAN model is capable of simulating fluid flow through porous media with fluid phases of air, water, and supercritical CO2. PFLOTRAN has been successfully employed on up to 131,072 cores on Jaguar, the massively parallel Cray XT4/XT5 at ORNL, for problems composed of up to 2 billion degrees of freedom.
In this work, we will present a strategy of coupling the two models, CLM and PFLOTRAN, along with a few preliminary results obtained from the coupled model.
[1847] HYDROLOGY / Modeling,
[1829] HYDROLOGY / Groundwater hydrology,
[1813] HYDROLOGY / Eco-hydrology.
SPONSOR NAME: Gautam Bisht
CONTACT: Gautam Bisht <bishtg at ornl dot gov>