B51B-0029 – Landscape Characterization and Representativeness Analysis for Understanding Sampling Network Coverage


Damian Maddalena (damian at climatemodeling dot org)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory; University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Forrest Hoffman
University of California Irvine; Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jitendra Kumar
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
William Hargrove
USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station

Friday, December 19, 2014 08:00 AM – 12:20 PM
Moscone West Poster Hall

The need to understand sensitive forested systems is amplified under climate change. Relative change can have large impacts on these sensitive systems due to low variability of climate variables under current climate regimes. Our regional and global understanding of these systems begins with understanding the data collected for scientific investigation. Sampling networks rarely conform to spatial and temporal ideals, often comprised of network sampling points which are unevenly distributed and located in less than ideal locations due to access constraints, budget limitations, or political conflict. Quantifying the global, regional, and temporal representativeness of these networks by quantifying the coverage of network infrastructure highlights the capabilities and limitations of the data collected, facilitates upscaling and downscaling for modeling purposes, and improves the planning efforts for future infrastructure investment under current conditions and future modeled scenarios. The current analysis utilizes multivariate spatiotemporal clustering (MSTC) and representativeness analysis with 4 km2 global bioclimate data for quantitative landscape characterization and assessment of the Fluxnet, RAINFOR, and CTFS-ForestGEO networks. Results include ecoregions that highlight patterns of bioclimatic, topographic, and edaphic variables globally and quantitative representativeness maps of individual and combined networks within ecological domains, regionally, globally, and through time.

Forrest M. Hoffman (forrest at climatemodeling dot org)