Gautam Bisht, Jitendra Kumar, Anna K. Liljedahl, William J. Riley, and Peter E.
Scaling of hydrologic flows due to polygonal ground features in
arctic ecosystem.
In AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 3-7,
December 2012.
[ bib ]
William Hargrove, Jitendra Kumar, Forrest Hoffman, Kevin Potter, and Richard
Imputation of continuous tree suitability over the continental united
states from sparse measurements using associative clustering.
In AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 3-7,
December 2012.
[ bib ]
William W Walter Hargrove, Joseph Spruce, Jitendra Kumar, and Forrest M
Forwarn forest disturbance change detection system provides a weekly
snapshot of us forest conditions to aid forest managers.
In AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 3-7
(Invited), December 2012.
[ bib ]
Rui Mei, Salil Mahajan, Jitendra Kumar, Forrest Hoffman, and Moet Ashfaq.
Do highÂresolution global models add value to climate model
predictions? results from a cluster analysis.
In AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 3-7,
December 2012.
[ bib ]
Richard T Mills, Gautam Bisht, Satish Karra, Forrest M Hoffman, Glenn E
Hammond, Jitendra Kumar, Scott Painter, Peter E Thornton, and Peter C
Progress towards coupled simulation of surface/subsurface hydrologic
processes and terrestrial ecosystem dynamics using the community models
pflotran and clm.
In AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 3-7,
December 2012.
[ bib ]
Eva Sinha, Jitendra Kumar, and Forrest Hoffman.
Analysis and intercomparison of cmip5 models using clustered climate
In AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 3-7,
December 2012.
[ bib ]
William W. Hargrove, Joseph P. Spruce, Steven P. Norman, William M. Christie,
Jitendra Kumar, and Forrest M. Hoffman.
Using land surface phenology for national mapping of the occurrence
and health of evergreen and deciduous forests.
In Phenology 2012 Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA,
September 10-13, September 2012.
[ bib |
Jitendra Kumar, Forrest M. Hoffman, William W. Hargrove, Richard T. Mills,
William M. Christie, Joseph P. Spruce, and Steve P. Norman.
A statistical approach for detection of natural disturbances in
forest ecosystems using remotely sensed phenology.
In Phenology 2012 Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA,
September 10-13, September 2012.
[ bib |
Gautam Bisht, Glenn E. Hammond, Forrest M. Hoffman, Jitendra Kumar, Peter C.
Lichtner, and Richard T. Mills Peter E. Thornton.
Improving surface and subsurface hydrologic processes within the
community land surface model (CLM): Coupling PFLOTRAN and CLM.
In The XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in
Water Resources (CMWR 2012), June 2012.
[ bib |
Forrest M. Hoffman, Jitendra Kumar, Richard Tran Mills, and William W.
Assessment of ecohydrological impacts under climate change scenarios
from CMIP5.
In The XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in
Water Resources (CMWR 2012), June 17 - 21, June 2012.
[ bib |
Jitendra Kumar, Peter C. Lichtner, Richard T. Mills, and Glenn E. Hammond.
Contaminant plume modeling at Oak Ridge Integrated Field
Research Challenge site using high performance computing.
In The XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in
Water Resources (CMWR 2012), June 17 - 21, June 2012.
[ bib |
Forrest Hoffman, Richard Mills, Jitendra Kumar, William Hargrove, and Joe
A data mining methodology for detecting change in forest ecosystems
using remotely sensed imagery.
In US International Association of Landscape Ecology (US-IALE)
Annual Symposium, Newport, RI, April 8-12, April 2012.
[ bib ]
J. Kumar, P. C. Lichtner, R. T. Mills, S. C. Brooks, and D. Watson.
Effect of spatially and temporally variable recharge on subsurface
reactive transport of contaminants at the Oak Ridge Integrated Field
Research site.
DOE-SBR 7th Annual PI Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, April 30-May
02, April 2012.
[ bib ]
Ankur Roy, Edmund Perfect, Jitendra Kumar, and Richard T. Mills.
Does anisotropy in fracture clustering translate into anisotropy in
intrinsic permeability?
In American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) 2012
Annual Convention & Exhibition, Long Beach, California 22-25 April, April
[ bib |
Gautam Bisht, Forrest M. Hoffman, Jitendra Kumar, Richard T. Mills, and
Peter E. Thornton.
A proposed model development strategy to incorporate 3-d subsurface
hydrologic and thermal processes within the community land model.
In Community Earth System Model (CESM) Land Model Working Group
Meeting (February 29-March 2, 2012), National Center for Atmospheric
Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA, February 2012.
[ bib ]
Forrest M. Hoffman, Jitendra Kumar, Richard T. Mills, and William W. Hargrove.
Site representativeness and sampling network design for the next
generation ecosystem experiment (NGEE)-arctic.
In Oak Ridge Climate Change Science Institute (CCSI) Scientific
Advisory Board Meeting, January 31-February 2, 2012, Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
USA, February 2012.
[ bib ]
Jitendra Kumar, Forrest M. Hoffman, Richard T. Mills, William W. Hargrove, and
Joseph Spruce.
A statistical methodology for detecting and monitoring change in
forest ecosystems using remotely sensed imagery.
In NIMBioS Workshop on Disturbance Regimes and Climate-Carbon
Feedbacks (February 13-15, 2012), National Institute for Mathematical and
Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Tennessee, USA, February 2012.
[ bib ]
Jitendra Kumar, Forrest M. Hoffman, Richard T. Mills, William W. Hargrove, and
Joseph Spruce.
A statistical methodology for detecting and monitoring change in
forest ecosystems using remotely sensed imagery.
In Oak Ridge Climate Change Science Institute (CCSI) Scientific
Advisory Board Meeting, January 31-February 2, 2012, Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
USA, February 2012.
[ bib ]
Daniel Ricciuto, Peter Thornton, Dali Wang, Marcia Branstetter, Jitendra Kumar,
Forrest Hoffman, Habib Najm, Cosmin Safta, and Khachik Sargsyan.
Uncertainty quantification in CLM: Comprehensive parameter
sensitivity analysis.
In Community Earth System Model (CESM) Joint Land Model and
Biogeochemistry Working Group Meeting (February 29-March 2, 2012), National
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA, February
[ bib ]
Jitendra Kumar, Gautam Bisht, Satish Karra, Anna K. Liljedahl, Forrest Hoffman,
Richard Mills, Scott Painter, and Peter E. Thornton.
Active layer and permafrost thermal regimes in ice wedge polygon
dominated regions of alaska.
In AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 3-7, 2012.
[ bib ]
Richard T. Mills, Barry F. Smith, Jitendra Kumar, Glenn E. Hammond, and
Peter C. Lichtner.
Solver strategies to ameliorate barriers to scalable performance for
subsurface reacting flow simulations on leadership-class supercomputers using
In The XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in
Water Resources (CMWR 2012), June 17 - 21, 2012.
[ bib |
Richard T. Mills, Sarat Sreepathi, Vamsi Sripathi, Kumar G. Mahinthakumar,
Glenn Hammond, Peter Lichtner, Barry F. Smith, Jitendra Kumar, and Gautam
Engineering the PFLOTRAN subsurface flow and reactive transport
code for scalable performance on leadership-class supercomputers.
In 15th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific
Computing, February 15-17, 2012.
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